Page 63 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 63

Pradip Agarwal                                                    fears and anxieties relating to the
             CEO, Heritage Group of Institutions                               pandemic at a time when businesses
                                                                               and employment have been hard hit.
                   n alum of Calcutta University                               Several state governments have issued
                   with 27 years’ experience of                                fees waiver/deferment circulars to private
             Amanaging top-ranked edu-                                         schools. What’s your comment?
             cational institutions, Pradip Kumar                               As a temporary fire-fighting in-
             Agarwal is CEO of the Heritage Group                              tervention, it is understandable.
             comprising six education institutions                             However, fees deferment for a longer
             in Kolkata including the top-ranked                               period will create a crisis with private
             K-12 Heritage School, Heritage In-                                education institutions unable to pay
             stitute of Technology, Heritage                                   teachers and staff salaries. Moreover,
             Academy, Heritage Business School,                                fees deferment should not be treated
             Heritage Law College and Heritage                                 as waiver.
             College. Together, they have 9,800
             students instructed by 800 teachers                               What are your Top 3 proposals for reform-
             on their muster rolls.                                            ing K-12 and higher education in India?
                                                                               • Implement the recommendations
             How have Heritage institutions responded   tributed cooked meals to 300 people   of the draft National Education
             to the Covid-19 disruption?                                       Policy 2019 and increase expenditure
             We have formed a Covid task force   living in neighbouring villages and   on public education
                                              made a contribution of Rs.50 lakh
             to aid all our institutions to respond   each to the PM Cares Fund & CM   • Revamp K-12 and higher education
             effectively to this unprecedented   Relief Fund.                  curriculums to boost interdisciplin-
             crisis. All Heritage institutions                                 ary learning with facility of credit
             including school and colleges have   What are the major challenges confront-  transfers
             moved their teaching-learning online   ing K-12 education in the Covid era?   • Establish a K-12 education council/
             using Google Classroom and conduct   The biggest challenge is to alleviate   board with uniform syllabus and as-
             regular online training sessions for   fear within the parents commu-  sessment system countrywide.
             teachers to equip them with digital   nity about sending children back to
             skills. Moreover, we organise webi-  school when the lockdown is eased.   What are your future plans for the Heri-
             nars and psychological and career   Students and parents are struggling   tage Group?
             counseling sessions for students.   to cope with the switch to online   We want to develop and transform
             Most importantly, we have distrib-  learning because of poor Internet   our higher ed institutions into a
             uted textbooks, including stationery   network and lack of digital devices. It   state-of-the-art university provid-
             to all our students, using our bus   will be a major challenge to persuade   ing excellent teaching and research
             transport network. We have also dis-  students and parents to overcome   facilities.

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