Page 67 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 67

ally, we shifted to Microsoft Teams   State governments’ fees waiver/ defer-  Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12 edu-
             and Google Classroom, which have   ment circulars to private school manage-  cation in India.
             turned out to be effective platforms.   ments.                    • The prime lesson of the Covid-19
             The efforts of our teachers — and   At Satluj schools, we’ve paid our   pandemic is that old ways of teaching
             indeed all staff — needs to be ap-  staff, including non-teaching and   and administering schools is over.
             plauded as they have quickly adapted   grade IV employees, 100 percent   With blended learning children will
             to digital education.            salaries since March 2020. Yet there   be freed up to pursue co-curricular
                                              is conspicuous indifference about   interests and develop increasingly
             Major challenges confronting Indian K-12   these people — neither the govern-  important life skills.
             education in the Covid era. A sudden   ment, parents, nor society bothers   • School curriculums should inte-
             shift to the online medium has led   about them. Because if we don’t col-  grate technical training and work-
             to adaptability problems for parents   lect fees how will private schools pay   place experience at secondary and
             and students while they battle poor   staff salaries? How will businesses   senior secondary school levels to
             Internet connectivity. More than 800   associated with us, such as suppliers,   boost the employability of students.
             million children worldwide don’t   edtech companies, contractors, bus   • Train teachers well and pay them
             have access to the Internet or smart-  operators survive? How will schools   well. Teachers are paid a pittance
             phones. The digital divide is huge.   pay for the world-class infrastructure   when compared to other profession-
             Also there is lack of parent trust in   they’re providing to students? No   als such as lawyers, doctors, etc.
             the education system as evident from   rent, electricity, tax or EMI waivers
             the fees payment debate. Moreover   have been announced for private   Future plans. We’re expanding and
             with higher education and the job   schools by government. Do middle   plan to promote 75 new schools by
             market in dire straits, it’s become   class parents who don’t avail the   2025. Apart from our flagship Satluj
             even more important for educators   option of free-of-charge government   Public Schools, we’ve launched two
             to equip students with employable   schools, want private schools to col-  new franchise brands named Satluj
             skills.                          lapse? The country will go back to   World Schools and Little Satluj
                                              the dark ages.                   Preschools.

             Nikhil Wagh                                                       situation. Governments should first
             Founder-chairman, Educon International                            consult with private school repre-
                                                                               sentatives before taking unilateral
             School, Pune                                                      decisions and sending out circulars.
                                                                               Likewise, schools should take parent-
             A                                                                 teacher associations into confidence
                   science and engineering alum-
                   nus of Dnyaneshwar Vidy-
                                                                               before prescribing fees payment
                   apeeth, Pune, Nikhil Wagh
             is founder-chairman of the new-age                                schedules and options during these
                                                                               challenging times.
             Educon International School, Pune
             (EIS, estb.2015) and managing                                     Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12 edu-
             director of Educon Consultancy                                    cation in India.
             that provides school management,                                  • Redesign school curriculums to
             teacher training and student assess-                              include skills education and move
             ment among other services. A highly                               away from rote learning to promote
             respected educationist, Dr. Wagh                                  21st century critical, computational
             served as director of the City Inter-                             thinking and problem solving skills.
             national School, Mumbai for over a   students’ readiness survey, to ensure   • Make assessment criteria more
             decade (2003-2013).              that teaching-learning reached all   flexible with focus on the student-
                                                                               centric visual-auditory-kinesthetic
             Educon International School’s response   students by leveraging the most ap-  (VAK) approach theory to identify
             to the Covid-19 challenge. When the   propriate tech tool.        students’ preferred learning styles.
             first cases of Covid-19 emerged in   Major challenges confronting Indian   • Revamp teacher training pro-
             Pune, we immediately sensitised   K-12 education in the Covid era. Elimi-  grammes to effectively implement
             our students and staff about the   nating the digital divide among all   academic curriculums by leveraging
             seriousness of the virus and preven-  stakeholders; ensuring the mental,   technology to engage, motivate and
             tive measures through PowerPoint   emotional and physical well-being   involve students in digital online
             presentations, posters and videos.   of students, parents and teachers;   learning.
             Since the nationwide lockdown    teacher training and establishing
             forced all educational institutions   education ecosystems to adapt to   Future plans for EIS. Expanding our
             to down shutters in late March, EIS’   new emerging technologies.  footprint countrywide by setting up
             flipped learning pedagogy enabled                                 centres of excellence aligned with
             us to seamlessly switch to online   On fees waiver/deferment circulars   our mission and vision and mak-
             learning through our student-centric   to private school managements. All   ing necessary changes in education
             Virtual Learning Framework (VLF),   stakeholders must exercise mature   delivery to adapt to the new normal
             guided by the results of our online   restraint in handling the Covid-19   for providing holistic education.

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