Page 65 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 65

Dr. Suresh Reddy                 our efforts to continue the teaching-
             Chairperson, Candor International School,   learning process. We have also taken
                                              the admission process for the new
             Bangalore                        academic year online.
                   r. Suresh Reddy is founder-  Major challenges confronting Indian
                   chairperson of the Saketh   K-12 education in the Covid era. The
             DEducational Trust and the       pandemic has exposed the inequities
             Cambridge International (UK)     of the country’s education system
             and IB (Geneva)-affiliated Candor   with millions of children from
             International School, Bangalore   socio-economically disadvantaged
             (estb.2010), ranked among India’s   households unable to access virtual
             Top 15 day-cum-boarding interna-  learning. And with schools closed
             tional schools by EducationWorld.   for over three months, all children
             He is also director, LearnBeyond, an   are deprived of peer interaction and
             affordable, cloud-based eLearning   physical/sports education.    • Our education system needs new
             solution and Sai Srushti Group, a   Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12   pedagogies and 21st century curricu-
             strategic investments company.                                    lums to prepare children for a con-
             Candor International’s Covid-19 re-  •  There’s too much emphasis on   stantly changing world. I am inspired
                                                                               by the words of Michael Chui of the
             sponse. Candor was an early mover   academics in Indian K-12 education.   McKinsey Global Institute: “Prepare
             in switching to online learning in   School curriculums should promote   today’s young people for a world of
             virtual classrooms. For over three   a balance between academic rigour   constant uncertainty.”
             months, our teachers have been   and co-curricular and sports educa-
             actively engaging students with high-  tion.                      Future plans… Next year, we are
             quality interactive content as well   • Government should focus on bridg-  starting a new day-cum-boarding
             as video messages about health and   ing the digital divide and ensuring   campus in Tirupati, Andhra
             safety precautions. Our parents com-  online education reaches all children,   Pradesh in association with the Na-
             munity has also actively supported   especially in rural India.   tional Public School, Bangalore.

             Alka Kapur                                                        State governments’ fees waiver/defer-
             Principal, Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi             ment circulars to private schools. Teach-
                                                                               ers are frontline education warriors
                                                                               working long hours during this crisis
                   lka Kapur is principal of the CSBE-affil-
                   iated Modern Public School, Shalimar                        to nurture future citizens. The school
             ABagh, Delhi (MPS, estb.1971), which has                          campus is closed, but not school. Our
             2,540 students and 95 teachers on its muster                      teachers are keeping the education
             rolls. Kapur is also president of the Delhi Saho-                 continuum going. If schools can’t
             daya School Complex, an association of CBSE                       collect duly contracted fees, teachers
             schools in the national capital and proactive                     can’t be paid their salaries. I request
             member of the Action Committee for Unaided                        all parents and governments to make
             Recognised Private Schools and Forum of Pub-                      this connection and not damage
             lic Schools                                                       private unaided schools.
             MPS Covid-19 response. MPS was one of the first                   Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12
             schools in the national capital to intensively                    education in India. First, national and
             utilise digital technologies which enabled us to continue   state exam boards should overhaul K-12 curriculums to
             the teaching-learning process after the nationwide closure   develop critical thinking, knowledge application, col-
             of education institutions in end March. Under the Micro-  laboration, communication, and life skills of children.
             soft Aspire School Programme, MPS’ classrooms quickly   The country needs innovators, entrepreneurs and prob-
             went digital, and students and teachers were given access   lem solvers. Second, government must promote use of
             to licensed software and Office 365 tools. Moreover, Atal   technology in K-12 education, especially in government
             Tinkering Lab and astronomy classes, dance and music   schools. This can become a gamechanger. Third, the
             sessions, yoga and sports activities are also being con-  Central and state governments should launch a massive
             ducted online. Moreover, virtual teacher training sessions   national capacity building programme for teachers to
             are being continuously held to ensure our faculty remains   prepare them to effectively use new digital technologies
             abreast of latest teaching-learning practices.    and pedagogies.
             Major challenges confronting Indian education in the Covid era.   Future plans... Every dark cloud has a silver lining. This
             The major hurdles are lack of robust digital infrastruc-  dark corona cloud is an opportunity for MPS to recali-
             ture, poor Internet connectivity and equipping teachers   brate and perfect its online pedagogies; establish links
             with digital skills and pedagogies to adapt to virtual learn-  with schools in India and abroad to share best practices;
             ing. Moreover, it’s difficult to maintain the integrity of   intensify teacher development programmes and introduce
             examinations and assessments in the online medium.  STEM and transdisciplinary/interdisciplinary learning.

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