Page 66 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 66

Cover Story

             M.A. Faiz Khan                   and we can proudly say that we are   education.
             Trustee, Mukarram Jah School, Hyderabad  the only budget private school which   • School managements should
                                              has started successful online classes
                                                                               switch to blended learning models
                                              for the academic year 2020-21. This   integrating online and conven-
                                              has been an amazing journey into   tional classroom learning pedago-
                                              which our parents community has   gies starting in senior school. High
                                              also been smoothly inducted.     importance should also be given to
                                                                               co-curricular and sports education.
                                              HPS’ Covid-19 response. The Hyder-  • Schools should not neglect emo-
                                              abad Public Schools in Begumpet,   tional well-being of students and
                                              Ramanthapur, Kadapa and Warangal   must increase the happiness quotient
                                              have also responded swiftly to the   of all students. Moreover all schools
                                              Covid-19 challenges by introducing   should offer counselling service.
                                              online learning with their highly ex-
                                              perienced teachers providing online   What are your future plans for MJ
                                              academic learning and emotional   School?
                                              mentoring in these testing times.   We want to expand to several parts
                                                                               of the city and also start profes-
                                              What are the major challenges confront-  sional colleges with the objective of
                                              ing Indian K-12 education in the Covid   providing affordable, high-quality
                                              era?                             education.
                                              The sudden transition from conven-
                                              tional brick-and-mortar classes to   Reekrit Serai
                  usinessman and education-   the online medium is a formidable   Managing director, Satluj Group of Schools,
                  ist M.A. Faiz Khan is trustee   challenge. Unlike the Western world,
             Bof the H.E.H. The Nizam’s Mu-   where technology-based learning has   Chandigarh
             karram Jah Trust for Education and   been used for many years, our K-12
             Learning which manages the CISCE-  education system is traditional and
             affiliated Mukarram Jah School, Hy-  conventional. However the positive
             derabad (MJS, estb. 1987). Ranked   outcome of the Covid-19 disruption
             the country’s #2 budget private   is increased use of technology in
             school in the EW India School Rank-  teaching-learning. Even after we re-
             ings 2019-20, MJS provides high-  cover from the pandemic, integration
             quality low-cost education to 2,619   of technology will remain part and
             children mentored by 111 teachers.   parcel of K-12 education. Though
             Khan is also honorary secretary and   there is no substitute to classroom
             treasurer of the HPS Society which   learning, a balanced blend of conven-
             manages the top-ranked Hyderabad   tional and online learning is the way
             Public Schools in Begumpet, Raman-  forward.
             thapur, Kadapa and Warangal.     Several state governments have issued
             The Covid-19 crisis has majorly dis-  fees waiver/deferment circulars to pri-
             rupted the operations of private budget   vate school managements. What’s your
             schools. How has Mukarram Jah School   comment?
             responded to this challenge?     I agree that private schools should
             The Covid-19 pandemic has not    relax some terms and conditions
             only disrupted school education,   such as collecting tuition fees      n alum of University Col-
             but the global economy. When this   monthly instead of quarterly or     lege London, Reekrit Serai
             pandemic reached India, our first   annually. But BPS and non-profit   Ais the Chandigarh-based
             step was to spread awareness about   schools should be protected against   managing director of Satluj Group of
             this virus within our school com-  bankruptcy and closure which will   Schools comprising 13 institutions
             munity. All our institutions adopted   prove a big setback for children from   with 30,000 students and 1,000
             a proactive approach to combat this   socio-economically disadvantaged   teachers in north India. Serai is also
             unprecedented crisis. MJS children   households.                  co-founder and director of Rumour
             mostly live in old Hyderabad which   What are your Top 3 proposals for re-  Books India, a reputed English-
             is densely populated. Our response   forming K-12 education in India?  language trade publishing house and
             was to immediately shut down the   The Covid-19 pandemic has made us   angel investor.
             school and focus on equipping our   aware of the urgent need to reform
             teachers with the digital infrastruc-  the Indian education system. My   Satluj Group of Schools’ Covid-19
             ture and training to provide online   suggestions:                response. It was tough initially.
             learning to our students. Though   • Government and exam boards   Everyone — students, parents and
             a budget school, we left no stone   should revamp K-12 education syl-  teachers alike — were thrown in the
             unturned to aggressively train our   labuses to promote hands-on and   deep end and struggled to adapt to
             teachers. These efforts have paid off   activity-based learning and civic   online teaching-learning. Eventu-

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