Page 68 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 68


             Preparing for the

             uncertain future

                                                                                    KAMINI VIDISHA

                        ITH SCHOOLS DOWNING SHUTTERS           As technological advancements
                        worldwide, and learning having shifted on-
                        line on a massive scale, a new era has dawned   multiply, traditional straight-jacketed
             Wfor KG-Ph D education. The novel Corona-         job roles will become passé. Multi-
             virus aka Covid-19 pandemic, has upended lifestyles, and
             with production and usage of tablets, laptops and comput-  disciplinary knowledge and skills will
             ers becoming ubiquitous, a new world of teaching-learning   stand young graduates in good stead
             is taking shape. Projects, skills-building activities, maker
             spaces — the hitherto new mantras of education — are los-
             ing their sheen as learners struggle to find ways and means   Hence the importance of continuous learning to remain a
             to apply theoretical knowledge.                   step ahead of the digital revolution that’s already upon us.
                Future markers of professional success are likely to be    As technological advances multiply, traditional straight-
             radically different from the metrics of the past few decades.   jacketed job roles will become passé. Multi-disciplinary
             Work is being reshaped by megatrends such as geopolitics,   knowledge and skills rather than specialisation, will stand
             economic uncertainty, automation and digital transforma-  graduates in good stead. Collaboration across disciplines
             tion, changing demography and finally economic inequali-  is set to become normative. A good example is the do-
             ties worldwide.                                   main of chemical ecology — the study of how organisms
                These megatrends are certain to impact young people.   use chemicals to interact. And because chemicals usage
             Choices of courses taken and career paths made now will   is ubiquitous, this domain requires knowledge of botany,
             determine success in an uncertain future. We believe that 3   chemistry, microbiology, mammalogy and entomology for
             basic ‘Cs’ — critical thinking, communication and collabora-  career progression.
             tion skills are absolutely necessary to succeed in any career   or youth preparing for success in the uncertain future,
             of the future.                                    Fthe Cynefin framework — conceptualised by Dave
             Critical thinking. This is capability to view problems from   Snowden (from his IBM days) — which categorises jobs of
             refreshing perspectives, to think things through, take a few   the future into obvious, complicated, complex, and chaotic
             steps forward, advance arguments and counter-arguments   and disorderly, is useful.
             and reason with evidence before taking the next big step.  Obvious. These jobs are defined by standard operating
             Communication skills. To communicate effectively with   procedures, legal structures and are rules-driven. They are
             people from all walks of life is a critical element of people   already in the process of being automated. Thus, chartered
             management, service orientation, cooperation and nego-  accountancy and law are likely to have limited takers in
             tiation.                                          the coming years. Close to 30 percent of graduates of pre-
             Collaborative  creativity. As problems become more   mier law schools worldwide, are struggling to find work
             complex, individual creativity is not enough. One needs   and chartered accountants in numerous countries have
             the power of collaborative creativity — capability to inspire   seen their practices dry up.
             creativity within groups of highly skilled people.  Complicated. These are high judgement jobs that have
                While the 3Cs are set to become the new normal for all   multiple right answers and numerous options. They require
             professions and vocations, liberal arts electives — the hu-  engineers, surgeons, high altitude divers and the like. These
             manities, law, philosophy, design, communication, jour-  vocations are currently under threat of machine learning/
             nalism, literature, psychology, art, music — are likely to be   AI (artificial intelligence). But despite rapid advancements
             included in all higher education study programmes includ-  in technology, the demand for these skills is likely to persist
             ing engineering, law and medicine among others. This has   for at least the next decade.
             also been strongly recommended in the National Education   Complex. These jobs need the human touch because they
             Policy (NEP) draft of the Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee   require intuition. Perseverance, expertise and long practice
             which is being given its final touches by the Union HRD   cannot be replicated by machines and AI. War strategists,
             ministry. While hard skills will remain important, develop-  market analysts, system designers who work at the junc-
             ing core soft skills coupled with the ability to learn, unlearn   tions of technology and law are likely to be in demand for
             and relearn on a regular basis will enable students to trans-  a long time.
             form into lifelong learners.                      Chaotic and disorderly. These jobs are not covered by
                 Development of life-long learning capabilities is vital   any rule book. They are vocations that require quick re-
             because there’s no certainty that the study programme you   sponse to macro events and crises. That’s why the jobs of
             choose today will remain relevant in the next decade. With   politicians are perhaps the most secure.
             the onset of the digital age, it’s clear that many jobs will be   (Kamini Vidisha is the Gurgaon-based co-founder of edtech company
             automated and driven by artificial intelligence and robots.   Anavi Learning LLP)

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