Page 70 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 70

International News

               UNITED STATES                                   dents unwilling or unable to return to their campuses in the
             Financial turmoil season                          fall (autumn).

                                                                UNITED KINGDOM
                                                               Social sciences major role

                                                                      THE VOICES OF EPIDEMIOLOGISTS AND pub-
                                                                      lic health experts have inevitably dominated ini-
                                                                      tial responses to the coronavirus crisis. This has
                                                               meant that other disciplines have been sidelined and risk
                                                               being shut out altogether from the thinking processes in-
                                                               forming decisions about how to move forward.
                                                                 So what can those in the social sciences bring to the table,
                                                               both at the present time and when we “return to normal”
                                                               and seek to rebuild our societies? And what will Covid-19
                                                               mean for such disciplines in the longer term? Some broad
                                                               answers are provided by Diarmaid MacCulloch, professor
                                                               of the history of the church at Oxford University, who also
             US students: fee refund lawsuits                  serves as vice president for public engagement at the British
                                                               Academy, the UK’s national academy for the humanities
                     US COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE STEPPING UP       and the social sciences.
                     demands for partial tuition refunds for the spring   “It’s the humanities and social sciences that are best
                     semester, with a growing number pursuing legal   placed to steer society in refocusing its priorities once the
             action against institutions they accuse of overstating virus-  heroic work of medical science has provided us with a work-
             related financial losses. The students have filed lawsuits   able relationship with the current pandemic. We can’t go
             against more than a dozen universities, in some cases citing   on as we were… The social and political sciences will show
             the institutions’ own data showing they had been charging   us how human behaviour of the present day has led us into
             existing online students far less for the same courses.  folly,” he says.
                Aided by a handful of law firms, the students are pur-  Political science in particular, says Matthew Flinders,
             suing elite private institutions as well as smaller public   vice president of the Political Studies Association of the
             schools, in some cases citing their own advertised rates for   United Kingdom and professor of politics at the University
             online versions of their in-person classes.       of Sheffield, is “a discipline that goes to the heart of funda-
                “Every business in America is having to tighten its belt,”   mental questions about public risks and the role and reach
             says Roy Willey, a lawyer with the Anastopoulo Law Firm in   of the state — and so the demands placed on the discipline
             South Carolina that has already sued at least 15 colleges and   by potential research users, future students and society are
             is considering taking action against dozens more. “And the   likely to grow”. “The challenge, however, is that if Covid-19
             only question is whether colleges and universities should   has done anything, it has revealed the weakness of thinking
             be any different.”                                in mono-disciplinary terms and also the limits of thinking
                Universities are generally refraining from commenting   about scholarship as still wedded to the lone-scholar model.
             on their own legal cases, but higher education leaders have   Massive opportunities will fall to those disciplines and in-
             repeatedly emphasised the financial losses being suffered   stitutions that recognise that shift and seize the agenda,”
             across academia because of the need to suddenly shut down   says Flinders.
             their campuses and send students home to avoid spread-
             ing Covid-19. Congress so far has approved $14 billion   Public-private schools divide
             (Rs.105,952 crore) in emergency aid for universities and
             their students. But higher education lobbyists say the true   UCIAN STIOPU WATCHES HIS SON CYCLE round
             need is many times that.                              Central Park in Peterborough. Before the government
                Several US colleges have already refunded shares of room  Limposed a lockdown, he says, the boy would spend
             and board charges for the spring semester, at a budgetary   about nine hours a day at primary school, allowing him to
             hit that their main lobby group, the American Council on   go to work in a prison. And now? Stiopu’s son reports that
             Education (ACE), has estimated at $8 billion (Rs.60,000   his teachers are setting a bit of work online. It is “easy” and
             crore).                                           he dashes it off in less than two hours.
                Universities are warning that even deeper losses await in   Stiopu might be showing off, but probably not much.
             the months ahead, as the nation’s surging unemployment   Two months after schools closed, it is becoming clear that
             rates translate into deep governmental budget cuts and stu-  most children of all ages are doing little schoolwork, and

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