Page 61 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 61

training of teachers and students for   learning for students in skilling and   damaging and discouraging for these
             digital online classes. Within a week   professional study programmes;   institutions.
             of the lockdown, all our campuses   compliance with social distancing   What are your Top 3 proposals for re-
             had successfully implemented digital   and safety guidelines of the Central   forming school and higher education?
             online classes for students by lever-  government when campuses reopen,
             aging new digital technologies with   and meeting admission targets   • Abolish multiple government
                                                                               regulatory agencies by legislating a
             close to 98 percent attendance. We   because class XII examinations and
             also stepped up to the challenge of   results are inordinately delayed.  unified agency instead
                                                                               • Permit entrepreneurs and corpo-
             conducting all examinations — mid-  Several state governments have issued
             term/end-term — online with over   fees waiver/deferment circulars to pri-  rates to promote for-profit education
             98 percent attendance and declared   vate schools. What’s your comment?
             all results.                                                      • Enable private higher ed institu-
                                              Most managements of private higher   tions to collaborate with American
             What are the major challenges confront-  education institutions have complet-  Ivy league universities to set up cam-
             ing Indian higher education in the Covid   ed their second semester by invest-  puses in India and offer joint degree
             era?                             ing substantial time and resources   programmes.
             Poor Internet connectivity and ac-  during the Covid-19 crisis. With
             cess to digital devices especially for   admission for the new academic year   Future plans...
                                                                               Over the next five years, we plan to
             students living in rural and remote   uncertain, they haven’t received any
             corners of the country, and for   advance admission and other fees   establish Unison Boys, an all-boys
                                                                               residential school in Dehradun,
             students in universities not equipped   from students. Against this back-
             to support online teaching; disap-  drop, the fees waiver/deferment   and the Unison Institute of Medical
                                                                               Sciences and Research.
             pearance of hands-on experiential   ordered by government will be very
              Shailesh Dalmia                                              rural areas? These challenges have to be
                                                                           addressed by the academic community
              Honorary Secretary, N.L. Dalmia Educational                  through innovative solutions.
              Society                                                      On state governments’ fees waiver/defer-
                                                                           ment circulars to private school manage-
                    commerce and law graduate of                           ments. The Covid-19 pandemic has
                    Mumbai University, Shailesh                            disrupted entire industries and econo-
              A  Dalmia is honorary secretary of                           mies. Therefore, why target the edu-
              the Mumbai-based Niranjanlal Dalmia                          cation system singularly? Education
              Educational Society (estb.1982). The soci-                   institutions are obliged to pay teachers
              ety manages three education institutions                     and staff salaries and continue to meet
              in Thane, Mumbai, including the CISCE-                       overhead expenses and service loans
              affiliated N.L. Dalmia High School;                          irrespective of the lockdown. The cost of
              N.L. Dalmia College of Arts, Science &                       school operations has not decreased in
              Commerce and the N.L. Dalmia Institute                       any way but will increase exponentially
              of Management Studies & Research with a total of 4,500   to ensure complete compliance with government safety
              students and 225 teachers.                       and hygiene norms once schools reopen. Government
              N.L. Dalmia institutions’ response to the Covid-19 disrup-  has to be fair to both service providers and consumers.
              tion. We have responded effectively to the disruption,   Top 3 proposals for reforming K-12 education in India.
              transforming it into an opportunity to incorporate   • Invest in digital infrastructure to enhance
              blended learning in all our institutions although new   teaching-learning. Equipping schools with digital
              technologies are not novel for us. For the past few years,   infrastructure and training teachers in digital skills and
              our management institute has successfully integrated   online pedagogies has become imperative in the post-
              technology into teaching-learning with students famil-  Covid world of education
              iarised with latest software such as Tableau, SAS, SPSS,   • Implement blended learning model. Blended
              among others. Now all our institutions have switched   learning which balances online and conventional teach-
              to the online learning mode. Google Classroom is being   ing is here to stay. Curriculums should be redesigned to
              used extensively for teaching, creating assignments and   enable and popularise blended learning
              question banks. In short, our teachers and students have   • Reform teacher training. The Covid-19 disrup-
              quickly adapted to the online medium.            tion has highlighted the urgency to focus on continuous
                                                               professional development. Teachers need to be equipped
              Major challenges confronting Indian K-12 education in the
              Covid era. The new reality of virtual learning has thrown   with the skills to adapt to change and prepare learners
              up several challenges. Can remote teaching assure stu-  for the uncertain future.
              dent engagement and learning outcomes? Can the entire   Future plans… Tamaso ma jyotirgamay — ‘from dark-
              curriculum be delivered effectively through remote   ness, lead me to light’ — has been our guiding principle.
              teaching? Are teachers sufficiently equipped to impart   Our goal is to expand and provide learning opportunities
              effective online learning? Is our nation’s infrastructure   in K-12 and higher education with the long-term goal
              ready for digital learning across all regions, including   being to promote an N.L. Dalmia University.

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