Page 78 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 78


             “Top priority needs to be given to education & skill development”

             Dr. Shashi Tharoor is Member of                                   by other scholars, and we ought to
             Parliament and former Minister of                                 pay attention to it.
             State for Education in the Congress-
             led UPA-II government at the                                      Way back in 1967, the Kothari Commis-
             Centre. Also a skilled debater and                                sion recommended that we spend 6 per-
             spokesperson of the Congress Party,                               cent of our GDP on education. But it hasn’t
             Dr. Tharoor is a prolific, multiple                               happened for the past 70 years. How do
             awards winning author having                                      you explain this?
             written over 20 bestseller mainly                                 The 6 percent recommendation was
             non-fiction books. Excerpts from an                               perhaps a bit of a fantasy because it
             interview with Dilip Thakore (For                                 was propounded by Dr. Kothari at
             full video interview see www.educa-                               a time when education expenditure
                                                        was well below 2 percent of GDP.
                                                                               Since then, it has risen to 3-3.50
             Although you had a short stint as a junior                        percent. But the problem is that
             minister in the HRD ministry of the UPA-II                        governments have always had
             government, you are the Union education                           too many urgent and conflicting
             minister the country needs, but never                             demands on the same pot of money,
             got. What would be your major education                           to be able to allocate more for
             reforms, if this wish is fulfilled?                               education. It’s also true that our GDP
             Obviously, the list of answers would                              has grown exponentially since that
             be so long that we would take up                                  target was enunciated. What we are
             the entire discussion answering   of girl children from class VIII   spending today is certainly much
             just this one question. So let me try   onwards, in fact class VI onwards   more than 6 percent of the GDP in
             and give you a few headlines. It’s   for banal reasons such as the lack   1960-80.
             been a matter of great frustration   of decent usable toilets. For girls,
             for me that we have not been able   toilets are very important, once they   But I’m sure you’re aware that the West-
             to make the progress we need     reach the age of menstruation. These   ern countries which have much larger
             starting with basic universal literacy,   infrastructural deficiencies have to   GDP than ours, are spending 6-7 percent
             which, as you know, is climbing   be remedied. But equally, the quality   of their GDP...
             towards 80 percent for men, but   of education has to be improved so   That’s not necessarily constructive
             is still in the high 60 percent for   that families consider it useful to   expenditure. If you look at what
             women. We need to go all the way in   retain their kids in school rather than   it costs to get a college degree in
             improving literacy through primary,   pull them out.              America, it’s way too expensive
             high school, college education to   This apart, we also need to ensure   and costs that much to sustain the
             strengthen our gross enrolment   that learning outcomes are given   massive endowments of American
             ratios. At all these levels, we are   greater importance. At the moment,   universities.
             below the world average. This is very   we are putting more children in   What concerns me as a policy-
             disappointing.                   schools. But the problem is they’re   maker is that Indian parents are
                I think I tend to agree with Neh-  not learning much. Too many studies   spending $5 billion per year for
             ruji’s decision that in a time of scarce   have established that the vast major-  their children’s education in foreign
             resources, he could focus on only one   ity of our class V children cannot   universities. Therefore, we need to
             sector in the education arena. And he   read textbooks and manage class   urgently establish world-class uni-
             chose to invest in high quality higher   II maths. This untenable situation   versities in India. There was a time
             education institutions. But the prob-  needs to be urgently remedied.   when many foreign universities were
             lem with that is they became islands   In this connection, very interest-  looking for opportunities to estab-
             of excellence in a sea of mediocrity.   ing pedagogical research is being   lish campuses in India. But our very
             We have to do much more to liberate   done by Prof. Karthik Muralidharan   restrictive laws prevented that and
             them by giving them greater auton-  in the University of California, San   no government at that point had the
             omy. Our higher education system is   Diego. Following groundbreaking   clout or determination to pass the
             over-regulated but under-governed.   research, he has advanced the un-  required laws.
             I believe there’s a great deal we can   conventional suggestion that primary   During my brief stint in the HRD
             learn from the successful systems   schooling would be greatly improved   ministry, we tried to enact some laws
             of countries like the US, which is a   by the appointment of teaching assis-  that could have made it possible. But
             paradigm for excellence in higher   tants to prowl through classes while   vested interests in the political class
             education.                       teachers are teaching, to ascertain   sabotaged this initiative. So what I
                Moving down to high school,   children who need help and immedi-  want to stress is that policy changes
             we have an extraordinary high    ate remedial education. There’s also   need a buy-in from the political
             percentage of dropouts especially   a lot of interesting work being done   establishment, prioritisation by gov-

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