Page 82 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 82


             Middle class triumph                              commissioned serious and intelligent movie directors in
                                                               India (and other countries) to provide cinema which also
                                                               informs and educates the public. For mysterious reasons,
                  HE INDIAN CRICKET TEAM’S 2-1 SERIES WIN      Bollywood movie moguls haven’t grasped the reality
                  against Australia and particularly the January 19   that India’s educated upper middle class audience is as
             Ttriumph at Brisbane’s Gabba cricket ground on    numerous as the entire populations of Britain and France.
             which no visiting team has won a match since 1988, was   Despite your correspondent in previous avatars as edi-
             indeed a famous victory. Especially after the visiting In-  tor of Business India and Businessworld having written
             dian team was bowled out for 36 in the first test match in   pioneer features on Bollywood’s unnecessarily high-risk
             Adelaide, the lowest ever test match score in the history   business model, the film industry’s moguls never grasped
             of Indian cricket. This amazing turnaround is attributed   market segmentation. On the other hand, Netflix’s
             to a score and more virtues of the team’s leadership and   co-founders Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, and
             grit, determination, fortitude and pride, not to speak of   later Jeff Bezos who hopped aboard the global Internet
             excellent skills.                                 connectivity wagon in the late 1990s, have been quick
                Nevertheless the rise of Indian cricket in the inter-  to co-opt the cultivated middle class as subscribers by
             national firmament is attributable to a deeper socio-  producing high quality, locally directed, realistic, low-cost
             economic phenomenon — steady expansion of the middle   feature films such as A Suitable Boy, White Tiger, the sto-
             class after the process of liberalisation and deregulation   ries of Rabindranath Tagore, among others. Such slicing
             of the Indian economy began in the 1980s. In the final   and dicing of audience markets is beyond the capabilities
             analysis, courage, conviction, goal-setting and continu-  of Bollywood producers who are destined to ride into the
             ous learning and self-correction are essentially middle   sunset in the near future.
             class virtues. And it should also be borne in mind that
             cricket — the most sophisticated game ever invented, ac-
             cording to historian Ramachandra Guha — is an expen-  Connected indices
             sive middle class game. A half-decent cricket bat costs
             Rs.5,000 and a leather cricket ball Rs.600. Add a pair of   NE OF THE MOST REGULARLY ADVANCED
             batting gloves, leg pads, boots and paraphernalia and the   arguments in favour of the BJP/NDA govern-
             bill of a complete cricket kit mounts up to Rs.25,000. Lit-  Oment at the Centre by its fervent supporters is that
             tle wonder that Thangarasu Natarajan (29), a village lad   compared to the Congress-led UPA-I and UPA-II govern-
             who played a stellar role in India’s victory at the Gabba,   ments (2004-14), which were neck-deep in corruption, it
             had never bowled a genuine cricket ball until age 19.   is pristine pure.
                The moral of this story of triumph over adversity is   However, the Berlin-based Transparency Interna-
             that quality, holistic education — integrating co-curricular   tional (TI), an independent NGO which measures the
             and sports education — is the prerequisite of attaining   incidence of public corruption in 180 countries based on
             middle class status which in turn is the precondition of   the perceptions of experts and business people, says that
             success in sports arenas and playing fields of the world.   official corruption has increased over the past year. TI’s
             Unfortunately there’s little awareness of this connectivity   latest Corrupton Perceptions Index (CPI) 2020, pub-
             within the neta-babu brotherhood which frames public   lished on January 29, shows that with a score of 40/100
             policy, or indeed within parents obsessed with academic   (0=absolutely clean and 100 absolutely corrupt), India is
             swotting.                                         ranked #86, i.e, less corrupt than 94 countries but more
                                                               corrupt than 85. In 2019, it was #80, i.e, public officials
             Lesson for Bollywood                              have become more corrupt. Rwanda (#49) South Africa
                                                               (69), Argentina (78) and even China (78) are perceived as
                                                               less corrupt. The only consolation is that Sri Lanka (94),
                     ITH HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF industry      Indonesia (102), Pakistan (124) and Bangladesh (142) are
                     professionals and business people obliged to   more corrupt.
             Wwork from home and schools and higher educa-       Transparency International’s CPI should be read
             tion institutions shut down for months on end, OTT (de-  together with the Word Bank’s Ease of Doing Business In-
             fined “as a means of providing television and film content   dex. In the latest EoDBI 2020 published in October 2019,
             over the Internet at the request and to suit the require-  India ranks #63 among 190 countries and has moved up
             ments of the individual consumer”) content providers   by 14 spots this year. In 2015, India was ranked #130.
             such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Videos have completely   But before uncorking the champagne, please note that
             transformed the movies and television entertainment   the EoDBI 2020 survey for India is restricted to Mumbai
             industries. For educated middle class Indians fed up with   and Delhi where access of businessmen to the courts and
             the tedious, ill-scripted blood and thunder, song-n-dance   media is relatively easy. In other cities and towns where
             formula movies produced by the brain-dead badshahs   itchy palm netas and babus are the rule than exception,
             of Bollywood and its regional clones, OTT content has   the #130 ranking is probably more accurate. Consider
             come as huge compensation for the Covid-19 pandemic   this: EoDBI 2020 ranks India #136 for starting a business;
             which has swept the world and India, and prompted the   #154 for registering a property; #115 for paying taxes;
             lockdown of industry, business and education institutions   #68 for trading across borders and #163 for enforcing
             since last March.                                 contracts. On the Human Development Index 2020 of the
                The brilliant brain wave of Reed Hastings, promoter   United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India
             of Netflix, and Jeff Bezos of Amazon Prime is that they   is ranked 131 out of 189 countries. Connect the dots!

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