Page 79 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 79

ernment. The finance minister has   How satisfied are you with the academia-  Even if they could afford a mobile
             to agree that 6 percent for education   industry engagement?      phone, would it be a smartphone? Is
             is more important than her other   Not at all satisfied. When I was   there enough electricity where they
             spending priorities.             briefly a minister in the HRD minis-  are? In a country where so many of
                                              try, we asked Mr. Narayana Murthy   the basics still have to be conquered,
             As a historian and political analyst of   to do a report on this, and he wrote   we just cannot ignore the challenges
             repute, to what extent do you agree with   a good report on how to intensify   that the Indian reality poses to creat-
             the statement that education, aka human   the academia-industry engagement.   ing an online education solution to
             capital development, has been severely   Sadly, that report has been gathering   the problems of the Coronavirus. I
             neglected in post-independence India?   dust under our successor govern-  hope we can expeditiously get back
             That there are more children in   ment. In the US, for example, if a   to normal schooling, normal college
             India who have not seen the inside   company has an idea to develop a   life, normal work life, to revive the
             of a school than the entire number   particular product but doesn’t have   economy and education. As for re-
             of children on the planet, is shame-  the skill, researchers, engineers to   turning to the 7 percent annual GDP
             ful. The fact that in a country with   develop it, they instinctively go to   growth rate, it’s a distant dream.
             so many young people of potentially   a university, provide seed capital
             college going age, the gross enrol-  and ask their postgrad students   Looking to the long term, say 2050, how
             ment ratio is still only 23 percent for   to conduct research and come up   optimistic are you that India can develop
             university whereas the world average   with viable products. This happens   its human capital — the world’s largest
             is 30 and in the developed countries   routinely in Silicon Valley. It almost   child and youth population — and catch
             60 percent, suggests that there has   never happens in India.     up with neighbouring China in the global
             been great neglect. But you should                                development race?
             remember the British left us with   The Indian economy has been battered   I used to argue during my brief stint
             barely 16 percent literacy, and only   by the Coronavirus pandemic with an esti-  in the education ministry, that edu-
             3,000 colleges in the entire country.   mated 18 million jobs lost and 30 million   cation is not just a socio-economic,
             Look at where we were, and look   children having dropped out of school.   but a national security issue. At
             how far we’ve come.              How soon do your expect the economy   that time, Maoist attacks big and
                Nevertheless something more   to recover its 7 percent-plus economic   small were frequent in 165 out of the
             could have been done — differently,   growth momentum?            country’s 700 districts. I said these
             better and faster. For example,   You’re quite right to mention the   were young people who had not been
             Sri Lanka was left in much the   large number of children dropping   equipped through education, train-
             same mess as we were, but they   out of school. The reason that many   ing and skill development, to take
             reached full literacy while we are   children are sent to school from   advantage of the opportunities that
             still 20-30 percent short. Therefore,   poorer families and in rural areas is   a 21st century economy offers. What
             prioritisation is important as are   to get things like the mid-day meal   we need to do is to give our youth a
             resources.                       and to be put to productive learning   greater stake in India’s future, rather
                Moreover, our federal structure   in a formal school environment. If   than leave them to be seduced by
             has complicated matters because   they’re sitting at home, parents have   misguided ideologues, who offer
             school education is by and large, a   to feed them anyway, so they may   them Rs.1,000 and a Kalashnikov.
             state subject, whereas higher educa-  as well put them out to work in the   That’s an argument I advanced in a
             tion is seen as the domain of the   fields or in the carpets industry and   number of speeches and interviews.
             Central government, and resources   as gardeners. The prolonged closure   Seven years later, it remains
             are mainly with the Central govern-  of schools has been a tragedy. It has   completely valid. We absolutely have
             ment. State government universities   also exposed the stark digital divide   no choice but to adequately school
             are in a very sorry condition.   in our country. There’s a fond belief   and skill our children and youth.
                                              that we can educate children online.   Well before 2050, we need to take
             Do you believe that if human capital de-  But can everybody in our population   full advantage of our demographic
             velopment — especially public primary-  afford a mobile phone, let alone a   dividend.
             secondary education — had been given   computer or a laptop or any device   According to a 2020 ILO report,
             high importance during the past 70   that can connect to the Internet?   India has 116 million young people in
             years, the India growth story, in terms of                        the job-starting age profile of 19-23,
             economic development, would have been                             whereas China has only 93 million.
             much better?                     No country has become an         It means that we have the demo-
             There’s absolutely no question about   economic success without   graphic advantage of becoming the
             that. No country has become an eco-                               dynamo — the engine — of the world,
             nomic success without first develop-  first developing their      as China was for a generation. And
             ing their human capital after which                               yet sadly, we have not been able to
             economic growth followed. There-  human capital. Therefore        take advantage of this opportunity,
             fore, top priority has to be given to   top priority has to be given   because we neglected to prepare our
             literacy, education and skill develop-                            young people in terms of educa-
             ment. Yes, if we had done that, our   to literacy, education and   tion, training and skill development.
             economic growth would certainly   skill development               I would put this mission on a war
             have been more rapid.                                             footing.

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