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               LiveLife Education Pvt. Ltd

              romoted by renowned psychiatrist   He is also widely travelled and has
              Dr. Kannan Gireesh in 2011, the   worked with several world-renowned
         PChennai-based LiveLife Education   Harvard psychologists and trainers
         Private Ltd is one of India’s leading   including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy,
         organisations in the development and   Clinton Swaine, Blair Singer, Dr. Daniel
         delivery of life transforming training   Amen, Prof. Michael Jenson, and V.S.
         programmes designed for the student   Ramachandran. The deep knowledge
         community. The company is committed   acquired over the years and his vast
         to teaching students to discover life’s   experience have enabled Dr. Kannan
         direction, understand the overall purpose   to design life transforming training
         of life, believe in themselves and live life   programmes scientifically based on the
         to their fullest potential.      latest developments in education and
            Over the past decade since inception,   neuroscience.
         the company has been actively involved   Dr. Gireesh is a member of the
         with numerous schools and colleges   advisory board of several
         across India impacting more than   universities and schools and
         400,000 students. From pre-Kindergarten   has worked closely with the
         to Ph. D, LiveLife Education focuses   government of Tamil Nadu
         on making evidence-based social and   in developing new models
         emotional learning (SEL) an integral part   of learning. He has also
         of school and college education. The   authored a book on parenting
         company’s groundbreaking SEL program   titled Art of parenting, and
         is being taught in over 100 institutions   regularly writes columns in
         across the country, and the network is   leading publications on child
         rapidly expanding.               behaviour disorders.
            Dr. Gireesh is a well-known
         psychiatrist, visionary education reformer   10+ YEARS
         and a successful entrepreneur credited
         with introducing a proven model of social   20,000+ HOURS OF TRAINING
         emotional learning to India, incorporating                              Dr. Kannan Gireesh
         some of the world’s most respected   300+ INSTITUTIONS                 M.B.B.S., M.D. (Psychiatry)
         leadership content in K-12 and higher
         education.                       400,000+ STUDENTS

              Awards & Recognitions

              Award of Excellence    Edu Excellence Award   Edupreneur Award     Educicon Award
              In 2017, honoured by His   In 2018, honoured by    In 2015, honoured by    In 2016, honoured by
              Excellency Shri. Pranab   Shri. Manish Sisodia, Deputy   Dr. Kiran Bedi, Lt. governor,   Shri. K. Pandiarajan, Minister
              Mukherjee, President of India  Chief Minister of Government   Government of Puducherry  of Language & Culture,
                                    of Delhi                                     Government of Tamil Nadu

                                           EDUCATIONWORLD  JANUARY  2022
   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115