Page 115 - EW JAN 2022
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             Captured corporation                              contemporary India’s glaring wealth inequalities and the
                                                               sorry condition of the poor majority.
                                                                 Unsurprisingly, this topsy-turvy conclusion of WIR
                  ATEST PROOF THAT THE COUNTRY’S PARASIT-      2022 has been seized upon by the country’s left-liberals
                  ICAL public sector enterprises (PSEs) are dragging   and closet commies who continue to dominate the
             Lthe economy down is provided by a recent report of   academy and media, despite India’s communist parties
             the comptroller and attorney general of India (CAG ) on   having been utterly demolished in national and state
             Indian Railways which boasts the world’s largest number   elections. Op-ed columns of newspapers are flooded with
             of employees (1.6 million). According to the CAG report   learned essays blaming capitalism and ‘crony capitalism’
             published last month, to conceal its miserable operational   in particular. For these obsolete intellectuals more
             performance, IR has been indulging in blatant “window-  socialism is the panacea for reducing 21st century India’s
             dressing”.                                        glaring wealth/income disparities.
                In the pre-pandemic year 2019-20, against the target   Curiously, media commentators often sporting
             of 95 percent this monopoly corporation’s operating   impressive academic credentials, seldom advocate
             ratio (expenditure as a percentage of revenue) was   universal high quality primary-secondary education
             actually 98.44 percent, and over four years ending   as the best leveler. This despite easy availability of a
             2017-18 its revenue surplus decreased by more than 66   mountain of evidence testifying that no nation in global
             percent — from Rs.4,913 crore in 2016-17 to Rs.1,665.61   history has succeeded in accumulating financial capital
             crore, which means that this monopoly has no surplus   without first developing its human capital. A sombre
             left for capital expenditure in track, rolling stock and   revelation of the quality of our public intellectuals and
             infrastructure.                                   media pundits.
                The plain truth disguised under high-sounding
             rhetoric about IR running 11,000 trains per day which
             are the lifeline of the Indian economy, is that like most   Disturbing memories
             PSEs which are bleeding the economy dry, this megacorp
             has been captured by its 1.6 million employees. The CAG   RACKS ARE BEGINNING TO SHOW ON THE
             report notes that against the revenue target of Rs.216,935   impressive facade of the Bangalore-based Think
             crore incorporated in the Union Budget 2019-20, the   C& Learn Pvt. Ltd, better known as the proprietor
             corporation earned a mere Rs.174,694 crore.       company of Byju’s, the heavily advertised online tutorials
                However, IR spares no expense on the welfare of its   app which can be accessed through all Internet connected
             current and former employees. Its pension bill is an   digital devices, including India’s 870 million cell phones.
             astonishing Rs.51,000 crore per year and former and cur-  The rapid transformation of Byju’s into one of India’s
             rent employees enjoy almost limitless heavily subsidised   most valuable companies (market cap $21 billion or
             travel on the nationalised railway. Rail tickets are never   Rs.157,500 crore) is attracting increasing criticism,
             available on demand because on any given day 33 percent   especially in social media. According to critics, the
             of IR passengers are current or former employees.   company’s sustained high decibel TV and social media
                Moreover, a proposal to allow private companies to   ad campaigns featuring Bollywood and test cricket stars
             rent IR tracks to run private trains — which would aug-  who cheerfully invite children to sign up for initial free
             ment the corporation’s annual revenue substantially —   tuitions, are actually data gathering allurements. The
             has repeatedly been sabotaged by IR’s comfy employees.   next step is for the company’s heavily incentivised sales
             That would be against the principles of socialism.   tele-callers to pull out all stops to persuade parents to
                                                               sign up for long-term tutorials by generating fomo (fear of
             Education blindspot                               missing out) apprehension in parents and children.
                                                                 Parents pleading unaffordability are offered
                                                               installment payment facilities and surreptitiously
                  HE WORLD INEQUALITY REPORT 2022 OF THE       connected with non-banking finance firms with hard-
                  Paris-based World Inequality Lab, of which best-  knuckled loan recovery agents. Competitive firms
             Tseller French economist Thomas Piketty (Capital in   (White Hat, Edurite, toppr, Akash FIIT-JEE etc) have
             the 21st Century) is a prime mover, highlights that India’s   been bought out while a charmed circle of investors
             richest 1 percent elite own 22 percent of national income/  continuously drives up the company’s valuation.
             wealth, and the richest 10 percent owns 57 percent.   Meanwhile a growing number of dissatisfied parents are
                The obvious conclusion one would derive from such   flooding social media with complaints about connectivity
             grave income disparities between the rich and poor 75   and/or lacklustre tutorials.
             years after political independence from foreign rule, is   The rising tide of criticism of India’s most valuable
             that adoption of the socialist model defined by promotion   unicorn arouses disturbing memories of some other
             of over 800 white elephant Central and state public sector   game-changing ICT (information communication
             enterprises (PSEs), and a 20 million-strong neta-babu   technologies) enterprises which have disappeared into the
             (politician-bureaucrats) brotherhood utterly corrupted   woodwork. For instance in 2011, Tutor Vista purchased
             by a discretionary licence-permit-quota regimen to   by multinational education behemoth Pearson Plc for
             control-and-command private industry and all economic   $127 million left the London-based company red-faced
             activity, has failed. Instead, WIR 2022 blames the   with an expensive lemon. Earlier there was Educomp
             economic liberalisation and deregulation initiative of   Solutions whose equity share price topped Rs.5,000 in
             1991 and subsequent sputtering economic reforms for   2008. Caveat emptor!

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