Page 114 - EW JAN 2022
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social soirees and rumour- ing murder mystery on take place off-stage, so to consistent humour, sass
mongering but works hand and her strength is speak. One knows more and wit, as cleverly as the
according to his own ideals her piercing social com- than the detective at any antics of ACP Bhavani, so
and beliefs, standing up mentary that lurks behind point of time. But can one that when the murderer
even against his own supe- every dialogue, character zero in on a murderer is finally exposed the
riors in his characteristi- and event, as she moves from the suspicious lot of reader can sit back with
cally smooth style. both in and beyond club people? satisfaction at the clear
The DTC’s monopoly premises offering dif- Unlike most detective way the pieces fall into
over its space crumbles as ferent images and facets fiction, Club You to Death place.
people begin to move in of Delhi. The unique yet has enough people with Anuja Chauhan is
from the margins, creat- familiar characters excite sufficient motive that the author of bestselling
ing a permeability that is annoyance rather than makes it difficult to figure novels The Zoya Factor,
deemed to be dangerous admiration but that is part out who the murderer Battle for Bittora, Those
by club members but as of a satire that promises to could be. New information Pricey Thakur Girls, The
the novel progresses, there unearth intrigues masked turns up regularly to House that BJ Built and
are worse dangers. by pretty flowers, parties throw the reader (and Baaz. Her novels have
Secrets are uncovered and decorative initiatives. the many self-proclaimed been picked up for movie
and the club’s history And the intrigues don’t detectives that populate production post their huge
reveals shocking secrets disappoint. From a suspi- the club) off-track at every popularity with readers.
under its foundations, cious romance to political turn of the plot. From Club You to Death is her
literally at times. There conspiracies to imaginary threatening letters that latest novel which marks
are fingers pointing in all ghosts, there is something appear on windshields her spot in the whodunit
directions and everything for everyone. to text messages and genre by paying homage
looks like a clue and a red Chauhan keeps us exchanges one has access to an Agatha Christie style
herring at the same time. interested with her sharp to, Chauhan plays with plot within a glittery Delhi
Chauhan deftly creates writing peppered with the textual quality of the setting.
a plot that flows with changing points-of-view novel to add mystery to ZAHRA RIZVI (Book
ease despite the confus- and conversations that murder. She does so with Review)