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             cultural texts and histories   European elites conceptu-
             of the Indian subcontinent   alised Planet Earth as an
             which a century earlier   inert, lifeless landmass to   CLUB YOU TO DEATH
             produced 20 percent of   be abused and exploited at   Anuja Chauhan
             global GDP.              will by epicurean Western,   HARPER COLLINS INDIA
                Official brutalisation of   and latterly third world   Rs.399
             third world people which   elites. Deforestation,   Pages 432
             gave full sanction to often   dammed rivers, industrial
             low-class colonial settlers   agriculture and extractive
             to lord it over indigenous   industries to scoop metals,
             populations also con-    coal and crude oil from
             ferred upon white settler   its innards, have dam-  who will protect Delhi   A novel set around a
             minorities the right to   aged fragile ecosystems   from falling at the hands   murder perpetrated
             impoverish, indenture and   and aroused the wrath of   of what they term to be the   in an upscale club
             if necessary to eradicate   the Earth’s non-human   “ills of modernity”.   whose members are
             native populations for   beings and of the all-     The Club has an intri-  determined to save
             business purposes. The   giving Mother Earth, aka   cate system of rules set in   it from the “ills of
             most flagrant example of   Gaia, a generous sentient   an even more intricately   modernity”
             this amoral policy detailed   life form. Pushed beyond   mapped area populated by
             in extenso was in America,   endurance by continuous   members who subscribe
             where European colonis-  exploitation and abuse,   to the power and luxury   the Zumba class, they find
             ers systematically deci-  Gaia has reacted with fury   that comes with a mem-  to their great astonish-
             mated indigenous Indian   unleashing a barrage of   bership card. As the novel   ment, that their handsome
             tribes not only through   floods, famines and pan-  progresses, however, one   trainer is dead, crushed by
             direct violence but also   demics upon ingrate homo   realises that the map-  the very gym equipment
             by demolishing their food   sapiens.              ping of the Club is more   which gave him access to
             supplies.                  This brilliant book    about cordoning off people   the otherwise off-limits
                Apart from genocide,   traces a clear linear cause-  into clean-cut divisions   club.
             European settlers also   and-effect connection    of members and non-       Enter ACP Bhavani who
             practiced ‘omnicide’,    between greedy European   members and less about   lives by an entirely differ-
             slaughtering over 100    colonialism, genocide of   the actual place which the   ent set of rules — slow,
             million buffalo (venerated   numerous indigenous   Club inhabits.         almost lethargic in his
             as a sacred protein source   people, the rise of unbri-  There is trouble brew-  actions but also alert and
             by indigenes), clearing   dled extractive capitalism   ing from the first mo-  observant. If the novel is
             vast forests, introduc-  and climate change. It’s a   ment when the reader is   amusingly Zoya Akhtar’s
             ing European industrial   must-read for all engaged   invited to the Club. There   Dil Dhadakne Do meets
             agriculture and livestock   in the losing battle to save   are beautiful, compe-  Agatha Christie, then
             farming, while completely   homo sapiens from extinc-  tent women, suspicious   Bhavani is the desi answer
             destroying the lifestyles   tion.                 husbands, silent almost   to Poirot.
             and culture of native Indi-        DILIP THAKORE  invisible but watchful staff,   Yet, Chauhan manages
             ans. The nomadic farming                          bored, adventurous young-  to create a detective who
             soil to regenerate was dis- Witty murder          sters, and even the odd   while paying homage to
             they practiced that allowed
                                                               rebel who wants to escape
                                                                                       “the little grey cells” of
             missed as savage and their                        from the suffocating time-  Poirot, is entirely novel
             veneration of the gifts of   mystery              honoured, family-bound   and unique. Impassive,
             nature — rivers, forests,                         club membership. Regard-  seemingly agreeing with
             mountains — classified as      NUJA CHAU-         less, the club members all   everyone, Bhavani is able
             heathen shamanism.             HAN’S new novel    love rumour and gossip as   to cleverly co-opt club
                As Ghosh extensively  Ais set around a         much as they love keeping   members as friends and
             explains, now with ex-   seemingly simple murder   their own secrets close to   also, softly but certainly,
             treme climate variations   perpetrated in the Delhi   themselves. But people   make them spill their
             about to overwhelm Planet   Turf Club, a space for a   notice. And there are grave   secrets. With sharpness
             Earth, it’s clear native   privileged set who believe   consequences.     of wit and intelligence,
             Americans and third      that they are the glamour-  On a typical morning,   Bhavani understands the
             world savages were right.   ous last standing people   when the ladies walk to   power play behind the

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