Page 57 - EW JAN 2022
P. 57

Techno  schools  are  providing  K-10
             education to 400,000 children men-
             tored by 9,000 teachers.
                “Sri Chaitanya Techno K-10 state
             boards  and  K-12  CBSE  affiliated
             schools are the outcome of pressing
             demand from the public to provide the
             SCGI model of IIT foundation educa-
             tion. Our schools deliver high quality
             primary-secondary education mapped
             with official examination boards but
             supplemented by enriched mathemat-
             ics and science curriculums to prepare
             students from early age for entry into
             IITs and premier engineering and sci-
             ence colleges countrywide. However,
             it’s a misconception that Sri Chaitan-
             ya schools are rote learning factories
             drilling, skilling and stressing children
             for success in competitive exams and   Seema Boppana: big jump reduction
             Olympiads. In Indian K-12 education,
             the gap between class X and higher   the all-important portfolio of wiring   ic Director/CEO Sushma Boppana’s
             secondary education is very wide. In   up the SCGI empire and investing it   husband  —  Y. Sridhar  is  Director
             Sri Chaitanya schools, our objective   with sophisticated and continuously   of Operations at SCGI. In this capac-
             is to reduce the big jump that class   evolving Internet and cloud technolo-  ity, he manages three cohorts of 900
             X  students  have  to  make  through   gies is managed by a highly-qualified   highly-skilled professionals who run
             our enriched curriculums dispensed   inner family member.         the IT, finance and infrastructure ser-
             by  excellent  teachers  from  class  VI   A computer science alum of Wayne   vices departments of SCGI.
             onwards,” says Seema Boppana, a   State University, USA with valuable   “Until 2007 when the number of
             business management and computer   professional management experience   Sri Chaitanya institutions had grown
             sciences graduate of Oklahoma State   in the US (Cavalry Portfolio Services,   to 70, the administrative and accounts
             University and Academic Director (K-  New York, 2000-07) — and Academ-  systems were managed manually. At
             10) at SCGI.
             A         LTHOUGH  IT’S  fashion-  Olympiads record 2020

                       able — especially among
                       left-liberals and commu-
                       nists — to disparage fam-                 State/    SCGI      % of total
             ily-run enterprises and proclaim the               Country   Students   certified
             virtues of professionally managed en-    NTSE - Level - I   Andhra    197    72
             terprises, the pathetic failure of post-          Karnataka    66         17
             independence India’s estimated 366                Telangana    98         44    Abhinav Khanna
             Central and numerous state govern-                Tamil Nadu   52        12
             ment public sector enterprises (PSEs)     NTSE - Level - II   Andhra   75
             established  at  huge  socio-economic             Telangana    25        7.5
             development  (public  education  and              Karnataka    38
             health) opportunity cost, is a telling            Tamil Nadu   17
             example of premature professionali-    INAO       India        3          15              Arnav
             sation of business and service organ-    INJSO    India        8          40              Panda
             isations.  Therefore,  the  SCGI  pro-
             moter-family has prudently resisted   NB: NTSE= National Talent Search Examination (NCERT)

                                                 INAO= Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (Homi Bhabha Centre for
             the temptation to divest management   Science Education)
             control and/or introduce the franchise      INJSO= Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (Homi Bhabha Centre for
             model to safeguard against brand di-  Science Education)
             lution. Fortunately or by design, even

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