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Cover Story

             Sri Chaitanya Group: stellar admissions record

                            IITs                              NITs                     Medical Colleges
               YEAR   Available   admissions  % of total   Available   admissions  % of total   Available   admissions  % of total
               2016     10,572   2,016   19.07       17,920    5,156    28.77       6,900    3,852     55.83
               2017     10,988   2,726   24.81       18,690    4,405    23.57       7,300    4,132     56.60
               2018     11,279   1,630   14.45       19,624    4,421    22.53       8,400    4,643     55.27
               2019     13,674   2,729   19.96       20,605    5,104    24.77       9,100    5,332     58.59
               2020     16,053   2,992   19.64       24,422    6,168    25.26       9,600    5,747     59.86
                   All India Institute of               Top 50 AP/Telangana
                 Medical Sciences, Delhi                engineering colleges
               YEAR   Available   admissions  % of total   Available   admissions  % of total
               2016     72       14       19.44      25,000   16,358     65.43
               2017     100      21       21.00      25,000   14,649     58.60
               2018     107      26       24.30      25,000   13,530     54.12
               2019     105      29       27.62      25,000   12,559     50.24
               2020     112      32       28.57      25,000   13,875     55.50
                Source: SCGI / JOSAA (IIT/NIT’s) 2020
              “Chaitanya schools and junior colleges have developed a unique K-12
              education model for preparing students for competitive entrance exams
              of the country’s top-ranked medical and engineering undergrad colleges.”
              — T. Nagendra, Director, Marketing, SCGI

             that time, we realised that multipli-                             fied, tried and tested ICT and educa-
             cation  of  SCGI  junior  colleges  and                           tion  professional  with  international
             schools to meet public demand would                               experience, into its top management.
             be  impossible  without  induction  of                              A physics alumnus of Patna Uni-
             new digital technologies. Since then,                             versity and the top-ranked IIM-Ban-
             we have designed and evolved a com-                               galore,  with  extensive  professional
             prehensive Student Management Sys-                                work experience in several blue-chip
             tem (SMS) that continuously maps all                              corporations  including  TCS,  NIIT,
             SCGI  students’  academic  progress,                              Hughes Communications, the pioneer
             fees  payment  record  and  transpor-                             iDiscoveri and Pearson India, Singh
             tation  logistics.  Our  SMS  enables                             was hitherto the London-based global
             us to monitor the SWOT (strengths,                                K-12 and English Language training
             weakness, opportunities and threats)                              director  of  the  education  multina-
             of every student and intervene with                               tional Pearson Plc (annual revenue:
             remedial education when necessary.                                $4 billion or Rs.30,00 crore). There-
             Moreover, the customised MIS (man-                                fore, his induction as CEO of SCGI’s
             agement information system) that we   Sridhar: evolving new technologies  new Hyderabad-based edtech venture
             have designed and evolved over the                                Infinity Learn (Rankguru Technology
             past 14 years for financial and infra-  tinuously improved its unique school   Solutions Pvt. Ltd) is a recruitment
             structure management has proved vi-  examination boards-mapped enriched   coup that’s almost a sure-fire guaran-
             tally important to the expansion and   curriculums and pedagogies for com-  tee of success.
             scaling of SCGI,” says Sridhar.    petitive exams, the family has recog-  In quick time, Singh has launched
                Nevertheless it speaks well of the   nised the limits of proprietorial capa-  Infinity  Learn,  the  group’s  first  se-
             judgement  of  Dr.  Rao  and  the  pro-  bilities. Therefore, to aid and enable   nior  (classes  IX-XII)  online  school
             moter family that 35 years after they   the group’s national rollout, it has in-  designed to gradually transform into
             conceptualised, developed and con-  ducted Ujjwal Singh, a highly quali-  a fully online K-12 institution. Infin-

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