Page 60 - EW JAN 2022
P. 60
Cover Story
ity Learn has set an ambitious target
of 1 million subscriber learners by
March 31, 2023. The auguries are
good. Thanks to the widely adver-
tised SCORE talent hunt endorsed
by popular test cricket star Rohit
Sharma, Infinity Learn has signed up
over 10,000 subscriber learners (at
Rs.99-40,000 per year) in the June-
December period.
the SCGI management has
designed robust school ex-
amination boards mapped
curriculums and pedagogies that
prepare school-leaving students to
top the entrance examinations of IITs,
NEET, AIIMs, IISc and the country’s Ujwal Singh: recruitment coup
Top 100 science and technology un-
dergrad colleges. Infinity Learn is driven deep-dive learning pedagogies teachers who will learn to teach the
an edtech company that provides dispensed by highly-trained teachers, Sri Chaitanya way. I believe that the
the tried, tested and successful SCGI supplemented by weekly testing and fast-expanding Indian economy ur-
model online to prepare students continuous practice of archival board gently needs high quality scientists,
countrywide for success in competi- examination papers and advanced engineers and medical practitioners
tive entrance examinations of India’s digital technologies, the SCGI man- who will perform optimally if they
most respected higher education in- agement is all set to move beyond have the benefit of the K-12 education
stitutions. Driven by highly-qualified peninsular India and establish a na- model we have developed over the past
and intensively-trained faculty, over tional footprint. “Over the next three 35 years,” says Sushma Boppana, the
the next three years Infinity Learn years, we intend to promote 200 CB- outcomes-driven Academic Director
will transform into a fully online K-12 SE-affiliated Sri Chaitanya schools in and CEO of SCGI.
school with 300 teachers to provide several states and new geographies. The malignant winds that have
online education, supplementary tu- These schools will enrol over 200,000 prompted lockdown of India’s already
ition and conduct remedial education students and create well-remunerat- sub-optimal education institutions for
classes for children to learn deeply ed employment for 10,000 young 65-70 weeks have exacted a heavy toll
and meaningfully. Our in terms of learning loss
prime objective is to SCGI students celebrating IIT admissions and future prospects of
enable our students to the world’s largest child
thoroughly grasp fun- and youth population.
damental concepts and Yet some good that
develop analytical, cre- they have visited upon
ative and knowledge the faltering economy
application skills from is acceleration of digi-
young age and enter the talisation and profes-
best higher education sionalisation of Indian
institutions in India and education. For too long,
abroad. I believe this memorisation and rote
enterprise will not only learning has been the
serve students in India, bane of the country’s
but in the Asia Pacific K-12 education system.
region and Africa as The national rollout of
well, to learn meaning- the SCGI model offers
fully at their own pace,” the prospect of amend-
says Ujjwal Singh. ment, perhaps reversal,
With its purpose- of this infirmity.