Page 89 - EW JAN 2022
P. 89

Pictorial Essay (Part II)

               Extraordinary Achievement in Education Leadership Award 2021-22

                                       Dr. Ashok Pandey

                                                                                   DR. R. VARADARAJAN (2016)
                                                                                   JAYASHREE MOHTA (2017)
                                                                                   DR. JAGDISH GANDHI (2017)
                                                                                   ARUN KAPUR (2017)
                                                                                   DR. DEEPAK & DR. BHARTI MAD-
                                                                                   HOK (2017)
                                                                                   BEGUM ANEES KHAN (2018)
                                                                                   PRAMOD SHARMA (2018)
                                                                                   RATNA REDDY (2018)
                                                                                   AMARJYOTI GOHIL (2018)
                                                                                   DR. NISSAR AHMED (2019)
                                                                                   DR. SAROJ SUMAN GULATI (2019)
                                                                                   PAUL MACHADO (2019)
                                                                                   DR. GUNMEET BINDRA (2019)
                   Ashok Pandey with Dr. Kannan Gireesh (left) & Sumer Singh (right)  SANJEEV BOLIA (2019)

                   irector of the Delhi-based Ahlcon Group of two CBSE   (2015-17), an association of 200 schools countrywide and
                   affiliated K-12 schools with an aggregate enrolment   as Hon. President of the Private School Principals Associa-
             Dof 6,200 students mentored by 320 teachers, Ashok   tion (PSPA) to promote the exchange of best pedagogical
             Pandey has acquired over three decades experience in   practices.
             primary-secondary education in India and abroad as a   For his valuable contribution to upgrading teaching-
             teacher, principal, author and motivational speaker.   learning and administrative standards in K-12 education
                 A physics, education and business management post-  for over three decades, Ashok Pandey has been conferred
             grad of Allahabad, Annamalai and BITS, Pilani universi-  numerous awards and encomiums. Among them: CBSE
             ties, Pandey began his career as a teacher in the Rotary   Award for Contribution in Education (2008); National
             Public School, Gurgaon, in 1983. Subsequently, he taught   Award of the President of India (2012); National Leader-
             physics in several top-ranked schools, including Mayo Col-  ship in Education Award of the Advaith Foundation, Ban-
             lege, Ajmer (1985-91), International Indian School, Dam-  galore (2017) and Lifetime Achievement Award of the Fer-
             mam, Saudi Arabia (1991-97), Amity International School,   guson Humanitarian Foundation International Inc (2017).
             Noida, prior to being appointed principal of DPS Jammu   He is also listed among the Top 100 People Managers by
             in 1999.                                          Forbes India (2020).
                In 2003 Pandey was appointed principal of the Ahlcon   “India’s ancient knowledge system which attracted stu-
             International School, Delhi (estb. 2002) and Director of   dents from around the world thousands of years ago is a
             the Ahlcon Group in 2019. Since then, the CBSE affiliated   valuable legacy and provides a strong foundation on which
             Ahlcon International has been consistently ranked among   we can re-build an education system which will revital-
             Delhi’s Top 10 co-ed day schools in the annual Education-  ize the next generation. I believe that every child in India
             World India School Rankings.                      is endowed with the seed of academic excellence. In the
                During these years, Pandey also authored two acclaimed   post-pandemic era we need to make access to Internet con-
             K-12 education books — Pedagogical Leadership (2017),   nectivity a fundamental right for all children. If  we do so
             Launch Your Principal Leadership (2019) and edited a   India will reclaim its ancient glory and once again become
             compendium titled The Future School: A Teacher’s Per-  an epicentre of global education,” says Pandey.
             spective (2018). Moreover, as an experienced education-  For his dedicated service to India’s K-12 education sec-
             ist, he has served the public interest as a member of the   tor and continuously improving teaching-learning stan-
             National Council for Teacher Education; Member of the   dards in private education in particular for over 30 years,
             Governing Board of CBSE; Member, Advisory Board of   the Editors and Board of Directors of EducationWorld are
             Cambridge International, South Asia; Chairman of the   proud to present the EW Extraordinary Leadership Award
             Delhi-based National Progressive Schools Conference   2021-22 to Ashok Pandey.

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