Page 91 - EW JAN 2022
P. 91


             Don’t abandon pandemic

             era upsides

                                                                              REVATHI SRINIVASAN

                 N MARCH 2020, SCHOOLS IN INDIA AND world-     Teachers and institutional managements
                 wide came to an abrupt halt because of the spread of
                 the Covid-19 pandemic. Surprisingly despite the mas-  need to be vigilant that valuable gains of
             Isive disruption, quite a number of schools managed   the pandemic era – supplementary and
             to cope well, taking teachers, students and parents on an
             online adventure! As with most adventures, there were    explanatory education through digital
             teething troubles but eventually things settled down.  media – aren’t lost
                Children’s return to school campuses is likely to be
             phased and will be driven by local government regula-
             tions and parental preferences. Meanwhile, teachers and   in primary-secondary education. Teachers and institu-
             administrators should reflect upon frequency (daily or   tional managements need to be vigilant that valuable
             alternate days) and embrace and improve the blended   gains of the pandemic era — supplementary and explana-
             learning model — an amalgam of in-class and digital edu-  tory education through digital media — aren’t lost.
             cation — that’s here to stay. If school managements build   With the spurt and improvement of Internet con-
             a consensus with parents, students and teachers being on   nectivity, high quality content from around the world
             the same page, the learning loss of the past 60-64 weeks   available on Moocs and digital online platforms can be
             when schools were shuttered can be quickly remedied.   incorporated into institutional teaching-learning pro-
             I have always trusted teachers to be the best judges of   grammes. For instance, through our Singhania Education
             situations at school. Going forward, they need to manage   Services, we have created our own holistic learning app,
             in-person and virtual teaching with equal intensity and   Singhania Quest+. This app enables learners to supple-
             rigour.                                           ment classroom teaching with detailed videos explaining
                The past 18 months have given educators (and par-  concepts and content that provides deeper understanding
             ents) a good idea of how thousands of teachers responded   of a subject and enables continuous self-testing.
             creatively to the prolonged closure of schools during   ost bona fide educators are aware that grouping stu-
             the pandemic. Driven by creativity, sense of purpose,   Mdents by age is unlikely to fulfill the peculiar learning
             skill and positive mindsets, a minority of teachers were   needs of every child. The main benefit of digital or asyn-
             motivated to do the extraordinary. Yet today, we have to   chronous learning is that it addresses this problem and
             re-think what students have missed in online classes and   enables children to learn at their own pace. If we group
             bridge the gaps. We need to double down on learning-by-  students based on their demonstrated capabilities, they
             doing in the form of hands-on experiences/experimen-  will progress by peer learning. Another benefit of the digi-
             tal lab work, collaborative activities and sports during   tal learning revolution is that it has enabled teachers to
             the initial months of resumed in-school classes. School   play the role of motivators who encourage self-learning.
             managements have to be flexible about allowing online   The Synthesis School in the US, which builds on peda-
             students to join sports sessions and engaging them to ad-  gogy developed by technopreneur Elon Musk’s Ad Astra
             dress soft skills gaps.                           School, encourages self-learning through simulations.
                Pedagogy, assessment, and the daily routine are all   Learners joyfully solve problems of movie studios, tamp
             critical for enriching children’s learning experiences.   out wildfires, colonise space, collect art etc. Comments
             Teachers have to re-design assessments and focus on   edupreneur A.L. Fabrega, promoter-director of Synthesis
             long-term projects, internships and in-depth research   School: “In school, we learn ‘just in case’ from a fixed
             rather than grades. The post-pandemic era requires   curriculum in the hope that it will include something
             schools where children focus on learning-by-doing. As-  that will be useful later. In real life, we learn ‘on demand’
             signments and projects must be aligned to real world   when it best suits our needs, interests and styles.”
             challenges to which young students should apply their   Ultimately, my advice to fellow educators is simple:
             minds. The priority should be to encourage our students   Try something new! Every crisis stimulates innovation
             to create, invent, discover, and collaborate. “Don’t just   and provides an opportunity to challenge the status quo
             consume things, create things,” advises former US presi-  and build a new paradigm. Modern education has come
             dent Barack Obama.                                a long way from the ‘factory schools’ of 19th century
                However, care needs to be taken that the gradual —   Prussia. Let’s use the pandemic disruption to rethink and
             perhaps too gradual — return to on-campus learning   devise new ways and means to combine traditional and
             doesn’t result in abandonment of the many upsides of   digital education to accelerate improved learning out-
             online education that school managements have ex-  comes.
             perienced, even if unwittingly. The hybrid or blended   (Dr. Revathi Srinivasan is Director-Education & principal, Smt. Sulo-
             teaching-learning model is certain to become normative   chanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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