Page 38 - EW March 2021
P. 38

The Cambridge Early

         Years curriculum

         The Cambridge Early Years curriculum connects
         children’s development with the world and people
         around them.

         The curriculum’s six areas

         The six curriculum areas group together related
         learning, helping practitioners to guide and support
         progress across all areas of development. The areas are
         equally important and interconnected, so it is essential
         that teaching and learning take place in a holistic way.
         The curriculum provides learning statements that are
         based on internationally established developmental
         milestones, and designed to be used by centres in India.

                 Communication, language & literacy               Personal, social & emotional development

         Speaking, listening, reading and writing are crucial to   This area is central to children’s lives. It underpins their
         children’s early development. Showing children the   well-being and attainment in all other areas of their
         importance of language through fun activities and   learning. It helps them to develop social learning and
         encouraging them to engage with a wide range of texts   friendships, regulate their emotional responses and
         helps to ignite a lifelong curiosity for learning. Teaching   respond to the needs of others, and develop self-esteem
         and learning throughout the programme will be in English.  and confidence.

                  Creative expression                             Physical development

         Creative expression allows children to communicate   The curriculum encourages children to develop move-
         their ideas and develop their imagination through art   ment skills through play, helping them to develop posi-
         and design, music, dance and drama. This important   tive attitudes towards exercise and laying the founda-
         curriculum area brings together skills and cognitive   tions for healthy, active lives.
         processes from across the whole curriculum.

                 Mathematics                                      Understanding the world

         At an early age, it’s important to help children   Children’s natural curiosity must be encouraged, so
         recognise how mathematics impacts everyday life.   that they are equipped to reflect, question, explore
         Through games and activities, we can introduce   and interact, and are guided in their understanding of
         children to mathematical language, thinking and   the world. This area of the curriculum lays foundations
         concepts that they will need when they start their   for a range of different subjects in primary education
         primary education.                               and beyond, including science, digital literacy, history,
                                                          geography and religious education.

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