Page 46 - EW March 2021
P. 46

Cover Story

             is a widely shared sentiment among   Union Budget 2021-22: Major education allocations
             knowledgeable monitors of the Indian
             economy. The outlay for the Samagra   Department of School Education & Literacy
             Shiksha  Abhiyan  (SMA,  public  pre-                            2021-22          2020-21
             primary to higher secondary school                               (Rs. crore)      (Rs. crore)
             education)  has  been  slashed  by  20   Total allocation         54,873   52,189 (RE), 59,845 (BE)
             percent  to  Rs.31,050  crore,  and  for
             the  free  schools  mid-day  meal  pro-  Establishment expenditure   33           40 (BE)
             gramme  by  12.1  percent  from  the   National means-cum-merit scheme   350
             actual amount (revised estimate) of   National scheme for girls secondary
             Rs.12,900 crore spent in 2020-21 to   education                     1            110 (BE)
             Rs.11,500 crore next year.        Operation Digital Board for government
             A         LTHOUGH    EX   FACIE   & aided schools (classes IX-XII)   6,800   6,438 (RE) 5,517 (BE)
                                                                                               25 (BE)
                       against the backdrop of
                                               Kendriya Vidyalaya Samiti
                       sharply  fallen  tax  reve-
                       nue and higher expendi-  Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti       3,800     3,480 (RE) 3,300 (BE)
             ture forced by the Covid crisis plus 19   NCERT                    500        390 (RE) 300 (BE)
             percent higher defence outlay (exclud-
             ing pensions) prompted by the China   National Education Mission (preschool–
             threat on the north and north-eastern   class XII, adult education &
             borders, Union finance minister Sith-  teacher training)          31,300    28,078 (RE)  38,861 (BE)
             araman didn’t have much headroom   National Mid-day Meals Programme   11,500   12,900 (RE)11,000 (BE)
             to make additional provision for pub-
             lic education,  ub rat  Das , president   NB: RE=revised estimate; BE=budget estimate                 Source:
             of Delhi-based think tank Centre for
             Budget  Governance  and  Account-
             ability  (CBGA,  estb.2002),  believes                            inequality across the country. Budget
             the minister was “too cautious” about                             2021-22  should  have  made  greater
             limiting the 2021-22 fiscal deficit. In                           provision for investment in digital in-
             his opinion, she should have increased                            frastructure for government schools
             the allocation for public education to                            and for sanitising and preparing them
             address the “vitally important issues”                            for early re-opening, providing an ex-
             of bridging the newly emergent digital                            ample for state governments — which
             divide between children in private and                            also have responsibility to improve the
             government  schools,  and  to  imple-                             public education system — to follow,”
             ment NEP 2020, even at the cost of                                says Das, an economics postgrad of
             enhancing the fiscal deficit.                                     Delhi’s show-piece JNU who was ap-
                “Admittedly  because  of  the  pan-                            pointed president of CBGA in 2010.
             demic situation which has reduced the                               Most development economists and
             Central government’s tax and other                                pundits concede that with the national
             revenue, the fiscal deficit has risen way                         GDP set to contract by 8 percent in fis-
             beyond the 3.5 percent of GDP pre-  Das: excessive caution        cal 2020-21 because of the pandemic
             scribed by the FRBM Act. But this is                              lockdown and the Centre suffering a
             mainly because several off-the-budget   status quo and make the substantial   massive drop in tax revenue with no
             expenditures — especially the sizeable   investment required in education to   scope  for  raising  taxes,  Sitharaman
             deficit of the public sector FCI (Food   implement  NEP  2020,  and  bridge   had  no  option  but  to  axe  spending
             Corporation  of  India)  —  have  been   the digital divide between children of   under some heads, including public
             brought on the books. This has been   private and public schools. The plain   education.
             done  to  reflect  the  true  magnitude   truth is that children — especially girl   However it’s a mystery why the pro-
             of the fiscal deficit in the interests of   children — from EWS (economically   fessedly pro-free enterprise and free
             transparency. It’s not because of heavy   weaker  sections)  households  don’t   markets  BJP  leadership  unencum-
             new  expenditure.  In  this  extraordi-  have  access  to  digital  and  online   bered by the socialist baggage of the
             nary year of the pandemic, it would   learning. This is certain to widen the   Congress party, hasn’t invited private
             have been preferable to maintain the   rich-poor gap and exacerbate gender   investment in the education sector to

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