Page 47 - EW March 2021
P. 47

Union Budget 2021-22: Major education allocations
             Department of Higher Education

                                              2021-22         2020-21
                                              (Rs. crore)     (Rs. crore)
              Total allocation                38,350   39,467 (BE) 32,900 (RE)
              Establishment expenditure         247       258 (BE) 243 (RE)
              Promoting multi-disciplinary
              research universities            0.10            0.10

              Higher Education Funding
              Agency (HEFA)                    1.00          2,200 (BE)
              World class institutions         1,710      500 (BE) 1,101 (RE)

              Student financial aid            2,842     2,316 (BE) 1,208 (RE)
              Digital India e-learning          645       444 (BE) 305 (RE)
              Research & innovation             237          307 (BE)          Kingdon: missed opportunity
              Technical Education quality       20           650 (BE)
              improvement programme                                            inflow of private investment into the
                                                                               beleaguered education sector.
              Programme for Apprenticeship training   500    175  (BE)           According to P ro f . G e e t a Ki n g -
              University Grants Commission     4,693           4,693           d o n , chair of education development
                                                                               economics at University College, Lon-
              All India Council for Technical Education   416   416            don and president of City Montessori
              Grants to Central universities   7,643     8,634 (RE) 7,643 (BE)  School, Lucknow, ranked the #1 co-ed
                                                                               day school in Uttar Pradesh (pop.215
              Indian Institutes of Technology   7,686    7,332 (BE) 6,840 (RE)  million) in the EducationWorld India
              Indian Institutes of Management   476            476             School Rankings 2020-21, the public
                                                                               K-12 education sector suffers several
              National Institutes of Technology &                              structural  deficiencies  that  are  sti-
              IIEST                            3,935     3,885 (BE) 3,265 (RE)  fling all learning improvement initia-

              Indian Institutes of Science Education &                         tives of the Central and state govern-
              Research                          946       896 (BE) 993 (RE)    ments. Among them, the main one is
                                                                               government’s inability to “balance the
              Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru    621.65   592 (BE) 605 (RE)   teacher-pupil ratio in public schools”.
              Indian Institutes of Information                                 Due to continuous flight of children
              Technology (4)                   393.35        339 (RE)          from government to affordable bud-
                                                                               get private schools, in some govern-
              Schools of Planning & Architecture   175.00     99 (RE)          ment  schools  against  the  1:30  ratio
              Indira Gandhi National Open University   103.00   140 (BE) 111 (RE)  prescribed by the Right of Children to
                                              offered  the finance minister a good   Free & Compulsory Education (RTE)
              National Institutes of Technical    opportunity to confer MSME (micro,   Act, 2009, the ratio is 1:10. On the oth-
              Teachers Training & Research     173.00     155 (BE) 168 (RE)
                                              small and medium enterprises) status   er hand, especially better performing
              NB: RE=revised estimate; BE=budget expenditure                   urban government schools, it is 1:60.
              Source:                                         “If  the  Central  and  state  gov-
                                                                               ernments  simply  transferred  sur-
             take up the slack. Surely the govern-  tion of poorest households that cannot   plus  teachers  to  their  under-served
             ment is aware that as testified by the   afford even the rock-bottom tuition   schools, the current budgetary alloca-
             path-breaking  tate of S ector Private   fees of the country’s unique 400,000   tion would go a much longer way and
             S chools in I ndia R ep ort,  2 0 2 0  of the   budget private schools which are edu-  improve the poor learning outcomes
             Central Square Foundation, 47.5 per-  cating 60 million children. Given the   of the country’s 1.20 million govern-
             cent of all school-going children are   financial strait-jacket of Covid-19, the   ment schools. Moreover, the unprec-
             already in private schools, and gov-  finance minister could have at the very   edented  contraction  of  government
             ernment schools are the default op-  least, smoothed the way for greater   revenue in the current pandemic year

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