Page 49 - EW March 2021
P. 49


                                          Education sector is welcoming to

                                          women: DHWANI JAIPURIA

                                          Dhwani Jaipuria: Director - SRJ Edu Services Pvt. Ltd

                                          a difference and prove myself. I had no
                                          experience of the education sector and the
                                          first biggest challenge was to set up an entire
                                          pre-school within 3 months. I educated myself
         1. Do you think women in leadership roles   about the industry and, looking back, I can say
         are still a minority in India? What is the   that those were three adventurous months of
         situation in the education space? How can   my life. Leadership position for me is all about
         we increase the number of Indian women   knowing your manpower, its strengths and
         in leadership roles?             weaknesses and, of course, having a team
         Women are surely taking up more leadership   with the same intent. With a dedicated team I
         roles than before, even though they are   think the obstacles do not seem like obstacles.
         still a minority in India. Today, as many as                      I want to change a lot of things. I would love
         14 percent of all entrepreneurs in India are   4. Do you consider yourself a leader at   the parents not to put too many pressing
         women which is a lot better than what it was a   Little One, the Jaipuria Pre-School? What   demands on their children. Parents often
         decade ago. Women do hold more leadership   do you feel you bring to the role that   expect their children to be perfect at
         roles in the education space as teachers,   inspires others to see you as a leader?  everything they do. They often get impatient
         principals, and counsellors because of their   I see myself as a team-player at Little One, the   and expect children to obey every command.
         natural ability to connect with children. As for   Jaipuria Preschool, and my meetings with the   The truth is that children need their own time
         increasing their number in leadership roles, a   team often motivate us all. I think if a leader   and space to learn everything. The most
         lot can be done. First of all, girl children should   can keep her team motivated and striving   important thing they have to learn is to learn.
         be educated and empowered. Attitudes need   for perfection, she is on the right track. It’s all
         to change regarding the roles that women can   about giving the right balance of guidance and   6. What projects or goals are you working
         and should perform in society. Merit should be   space for someone to perform. Leadership   on or leading currently?
         given precedence over gender at work places,   is an ongoing learning process for me, and   As far as projects and goals go, my constant
         and pay parity ought to be ensured.   my mentor is my father-in-law, Shri Shishir   endeavour is to strive for perfection. I’m happy
                                          Jaipuria, Chairman of Seth Anandram Jaipuria   running the 5 pre-schools, and I aspire for
         2. When looking specifically at educational   Group of Educational Institutions.   them to be the best 5 pre-schools in India.
         planning and management, why is                                   Since what we are doing in the pre-primary
         it important that we have women in   5. As an academician, what would you like   space is replicable, I do see a lot of franchisee
         leadership positions?            to change in the field of education or our   opportunities for my fellow women to come
         Leadership roles in educational planning and   current pre-primary education system in   forward and make their mark in the field of
         management shouldn’t be the sole preserve   general?              education.
         of women or men, but it is important that
         women should get 100% opportunity for these                       7. Do you have any thoughts you would
         positions. I believe leadership roles should be                   like to share about being a woman in
         independent of gender.                                            the education sector or advice for other
                                                                           women carving a top management space?
         3. As a woman in a leadership position,                           Of all the sectors, I think the education sector
         what was this journey like for yourself?                          is most welcoming to women and it is up
         How were you able to overcome the                                 to them to do their job well and strive for
         different obstacles encountered?                                  excellence. Honestly, it is fun to be a part of
         I didn’t encounter many obstacles in my                           the education sector. There is no shortage
         making as a leader. The obstacles appeared                        of learning and it is a special experience to
         after I took up a leadership role. With an                        interact with kids, be experimental, and be
         education background in architecture, I                           playful. Finally, I would sign off with a quote
         took up the position as Director of SRJ                           that applies to me, and to all of my teammates
         Edu Services because I wanted to make                             and students. That is: Learn to Learn.

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