Page 42 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 42

Cover Story

             holders and others “arising out of in-
             formation placed in the public domain
             shall be adjudicated by NHERC”. This
             provision (para 18.3) will open the
             gates for thousands of unemployed
             busybodies to file complaints about
             financial probity, personnel griev-
             ances  and  good  governance  against
             HEIs, particularly private colleges and
             universities. HEIs should budget for
             spending considerable time and mon-
             ey arguing their cases before NHERC
             T        HE SECOND VERTICAL

                      decreed is the National Ac-
                      creditation Council (NAC)
                      — “a meta-accrediting   Pokhriyal: “transformational reforms”  Kasturirangan: substantial acceptance
             body to certify HEIs “primarily on
             basic norms, public self-disclosure,   for all study programmes offered by   (SCERT) which will be “reinvigorated”
             good governance and outcomes”. This   higher education institutions. Among   (para 8.5).
             council  will  create  “an  independent   the mandates of GEC: to formulate   Prudently, a proposal of the KR
             ecosystem of accrediting institutions   a National Higher Education Skills   Committee to appoint an Educa-
             supervised and overseen by NAC” so   Framework (NHEQF) which should   tion Commission at the Centre with
             that  a  robust  system  of  graded  ac-  be  in  sync  with  the  National  Skills   the prime minister as chairman and
             creditation shall be established. For   Qualification Framework (NSQF) to   Union HRD/education minister as
             the convenience of these accrediting   “ease  the  integration  of  vocational   vice chairman and similar apex Ra-
             institutions, all HEIs are required to   education into higher education”.   jya Shiksha Aayog or State Education
             draw up detailed IDPs (institutional   Similarly for school education,   Commissions with the chief minister
             development plans) “to attain the   NEP 2020 recommends a regulatory   as chairman and education minister as
             highest level of accreditation over the   structure headed by a Department of   vice chairman, has been dropped. This
             next 15 years”, says the NEP 2020   Education in all states and Union ter-  recommendation, if accepted, could
             policy document (para 18.4).     ritories for “overall monitoring and   have resulted in the politicisation of
                The third vertical under HECI is   policymaking for continual improve-  education which is surely worse than
             the Higher Education Grants Coun-  ment of the public education system”.   the commercialisation of education
             cil (HEGC) which takes over the   Operations and policy implementa-  which is anathema to the KR Commit-
             funding  function  of  the  University   tion falls within the purview of the   tee and NEP 2020. But given the well-
             Grants Commission (UGC). Allocated   Directorate of School Education, while   known anxiety of the RSS which has
             Rs.4,693 crore in the Union budget   an independent State School Stan-  promoted and manages 17,000 Shishu
             2020-21, UGC subsidised Central   dards Authority (SSSA) will set stan-  Mandir schools across the country to
             government universities and occa-  dards for basic parameters (safety,   influence, if not shape Indian educa-
             sionally funded specific projects of   security, basic infrastructure, teacher   tion, one can’t rule out the prime min-
             state government universities. Under   adequacy, financial probity and sound   ister chairing HECI.
             the new policy, HEGC will “carry out   processes of governance) (para 8.5).   Commendably, deep and  heavy
             funding and financing of higher edu-  All schools are obliged to make   contemplation has been invested by
             cation based on transparent criteria”,   full disclosure of information as per   members of the Kasturirangan Com-
             and also disburse “scholarships and   the (no doubt elaborate) format pre-  mittee which designed the architec-
             developmental funds for launching   scribed by SSSA on their websites with   ture of the “independent” regulatory
             new focus areas and expanding quality   SSSA empowered to adjudicate “any   institutions for governance and su-
             programme offerings at HEIs across   complaints or grievances” arising out   pervision of the preschool-class XII
             disciplines and fields”.         of the information so posted. Academ-  and higher education sectors. Yet
                And  the  fourth  vertical  is  the   ic matters “including academic stan-  this presumption — unchallenged by
             General Education Council (GEC),   dards and curricula in every state will   the army of academics, K-12 educa-
             established to set learning outcome   be supervised by existing State Coun-  tors and media pundits — that Indian
             benchmarks aka “graduate attributes”   cils of Education Research & Training   education needs greater government

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