Page 45 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 45

tion that schools and higher education                            equity and investment banking (Chrys
             institutions can be well-governed by                              Capital) to promote the K-12 educa-
             highly-educated  and  experienced                                 tion-focused Central Square Foun-
             principals, deans and vice chancel-                               dation, Delhi (estb.2012) to improve
             lors who are mindful of the reputation                            the learning outcomes of all children,
             of institutions under their watch and                             especially from low-income commu-
             accountable to their stakeholders to                              nities.
             provide acceptable learning outcomes,                               Although NEP 2020 directs all
             is beyond the imagination of estab-                               regulatory authorities to desist from
             lishment academics and career bu-                                 making distinction between public
             reaucrats. What India’s beleaguered                               and private schools, there is a discern-
             education institutions urgently need                              ible thread of prejudice against private
             is autonomy and a governance frame-                               schools and HEIs running through the
             work of the trust and verify model.                               policy document. While acknowledg-
                The basic presumption of the for-                              ing that the “current regulatory regime
             mulators of NEP 2020 that leaders of                              has not been able to curb the commer-
             schools and HEIs need detailed guid-                              cialisation and economic exploita-
             ance and prescriptions from an al-  Dhawan: private education blindspot  tion of parents” by “many” for-profit
             phabet soup of government-managed                                 schools, NEP 2020 admits there has
             institutions, to improve learning out-  to say that parents and communities   been “far too much asymmetry be-
             comes and institutional reputation, is   need to be protected from arbitrary in-  tween regulatory approaches to public
             flawed, if not entirely fallacious.   creases in tuition fees. The plain truth   and private schools,” and professes an
             “        NEP 2020 IS AN excellent   in India Report released on July 22,   preschool to class XII education. Yet
                                                                               intent to create level playing field in
                                              as highlighted in our Private Schools
                                                                               as indicated by several references to
                                              is that 47  percent  of school-going
                      guidance document which
                      offers several overdue re-
                      form  recommendations.   children are enrolled in the country’s   commercialisation and exploitation
                                                                               of students by private education insti-
                                              450,000 private schools. These are
             Its emphasis on early childhood edu-  not elitist, exclusive institutions as   tutions in the policy document, anti-
             cation and foundational learning and   popularly believed. Seventy percent   private prejudice is deeply ingrained
             numeracy as the cornerstones of the   of them levy tuition fees of less than   in government.
             education  system,  board  exam  re-  Rs.1,000 per month and 45 percent   In this connection, it’s pertinent
             forms and introduction of formative   of less than Rs.500. Discriminatory   to note that the KR Committee’s NEP
             assessment, will undoubtedly build a   provisions in the RTE Act, 2009 and   draft  devoted a  paragraph  under  a
             solid learning foundation for India’s   legislation of several state govern-  separate heading “regulation and
             children and youth. But curiously, the   ments should have been removed by   oversight of private schools” drawing
             contribution of the country’s private   NEP 2020,” says Ashish Dhawan, a   a distinction between philanthropic
             schools to Indian K-12 education is   Yale and Harvard-educated alum who   and “commercial” enterprises with the
             glossed over in the new policy, except   forsook a successful career in private   former to be encouraged and the latter

             NEP 2020: Critical reforms in school education                         Source: Central Square Foundation

                01              02              03              04             05               06

               National Mission  Universalization  Setting-up of  Key Stage      Creation of    Accreditation
               on Foundational    of Early        National     Exams in Grades    National      and Standard
                  Literacy     Childhood Care    Assessment      3, 5, and 8    Educational        Setting
                and Numeracy    and Education     Centre -                       Technology
                   (FLN)          (ECCE)          PARAKH                       Forum (NETF) for
                                                                                technology in

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