Page 44 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
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Cover Story

               NEP 2020 highlights                             tion. Undergrad programmes can be of three-four years with

                                                               multiple exit options and certification.
                 he Union Cabinet of the BJP/NDA 2.0 government ap-   Academic Bank of Credits to be established to facilitate
              Tproved the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 on July   transfer of credits.
              29. Formulated over a period of four years and based on the    Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities
              recommendations of the T.S.R Subramanian Committee Re-  (MERUs) on a par with IITs, IIMs, to be promoted country-
              port (2016) and draft NEP of the Dr. K. Kasturirangan Com-  wide as models of best multidisciplinary education of global
              mittee (2017-19), NEP 2020 replaces the National Policy on   standards.
              Education (NPE), 1986/92.
                                                                National Research Foundation to be the apex body for
              School education                                 developing a strong research culture and building research
                                                               capacity in higher education.
               NEP 2020 is aligned with the United Nations SDG-4 of all   A Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) will be an
              children from preschool to secondary level in school educa-  overarching umbrella body for all higher education, excluding
              tion by 2030.                                    medical and legal education institutions. Four independent
               The policy mandate is to re-induct 20 million out-of-school   verticals — the National Higher Education Regulatory Council
              children back into mainstream education.         (NHERC) for regulation, General Education Council (GEC) for
               The current 10+2 system to be replaced by a new 5+3+3+4   setting standards, Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC)
              curricular structure corresponding to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14,   for funding, and National Accreditation Council (NAC) for ac-
              and 14-18 years. The new system will have 12 years of school-  creditation, to be established under HECI. Public and private
              ing with three years of anganwadi/preschool learning.  higher education institutions will be governed by the same
               Every child to attain foundational literacy and numeracy   set of norms for regulation, accreditation and academic stan-
              by class III (age eight). Vocational education to start from class   dards.
              VI with internships.                              College affiliation with universities to be phased out in 15
               Medium of instruction until class V or preferably until class   years and a mechanism for granting graded autonomy to col-
              VIII to be in mother tongue/regional language “wherever pos-  leges to be instituted. Over a period of time, every college will
              sible”. The three-language formula to be followed.  either develop into an autonomous degree-granting college
               Assessment reforms with 360 degree holistic progress   or a constituent college of a university.
              card to track students progress. Examinations by appropriate
              authority in classes III, V and VIII.            Others
               A new and comprehensive National Curriculum Framework    An autonomous National Educational Technology Forum
              for Teacher Education (NCFTE 2021) will be formulated by   (NETF) to be established to provide a platform for the free ex-
              the NCTE in consultation with NCERT. By 2030, the minimum   change of ideas on the use of technology to improve learning,
              degree qualification for teaching will be a four-year integrated   assessment, planning, administration.
              B.Ed degree.                                      NEP 2020 mandates a Gender Inclusion Fund and Special
                                                               Education Zones for under-developed regions and socio-
              Higher Education                                 economically disadvantaged groups (SEDGs).
               Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education to be raised    The new policy favours multilingualism in schools and
              to 50 percent by 2035; capacity in higher education to be   higher education. National Institute for Pali, Persian and
              expanded by 35 million.                          Prakrit, Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation to
               NEP 2020 introduces broad based, multi-disciplinary, ho-  be promoted.
              listic undergraduate education with flexible curricula, creative    The Centre and the states will work together to increase
              combinations of subjects, integration of vocational education   investment in public education to reach 6 percent of GDP at
              and multiple entry and exit points with appropriate certifica-  the earliest.  Source: Union HRD ministry & PIB

             intervention and supervision needs to   private sector representation although   largesse of the Central government.
             be questioned.                   47 percent of the country’s in-school   It’s self-evident, if not axiom-
                In this connection, it’s worth noting   children, and 66 percent of youth in   atic, that such  sarkari committees
             that T.S.R Subramanian was a career   higher education are enrolled in pri-  can never entertain the proposition
             civil servant who over four decades   vate colleges, universities and institu-  that government supervision which
             in the IAS rose to the apex position   tions. The sole private HEI rep in the   rapidly transforms into micro-man-
             of cabinet secretary, and Dr. Kasturi-  KR Committee was Manjul Bhargava,   agement in Indian conditions, is the
             rangan made a career in the highly-  professor of mathematics at the off-  problem — rather than solution — of
             respected government-owned Indian   shore Princeton University, New Jer-  Indian education. The elaborate gov-
             Space Research Organisation (ISRO)   sey (USA), while the other members of   ernance architecture prescribed by the
             where he rose to the position of chair-  the nine-strong KR Committee were   KR Committee and adopted by NEP
             man. The members of both commit-  vice chancellors of obscure provincial   2020 sits ill at ease with the promises
             tees were drawn from government-  universities and the Left-dominated   of autonomy and self-regulation made
             funded public universities without any   JNU, pathetically dependent on the   in the policy document. The proposi-

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