Page 22 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 22

Education Notes

               DELHI                  them from the pressure of   ships disbursement and   neurship mindset curricu-
             Schools of Special-      board exams,” explained   real-time online monitor-  lum (EMC).

                                                                                          “There is urgent need
             ised Excellence          the chief minister.      ing, e-office, educational   to develop an entrepre-
                                                               plan and Forest Rights
             NEW DELHI, APRIL 15.  Delhi    MEGHALAYA          Act implementation,” said   neurial mindset within our
             deputy chief minister    Offline exams as         Choudhary.              students in a way that they
             Manish Sisodia held the                                                   can contribute to the econ-
             first annual general meet-  scheduled              ODISHA                 omy. Our students need
             ing (AGM) of the Delhi   SHILLONG, APRIL 14.      Madhusudhan Law         to become job providers
             Schools of Specialised   Meghalaya’s offline                              rather than job-seekers,”
             Excellence Society. The   state board class XII   University              said Sisodia.
             society, which will start   examinations will be   CUTTACK, APRIL 28. Madhu-
             functioning from the new   held as per schedule with   sudan Law College, Cut-   BIHAR
             academic year 2021-22,   observance of all Covid-19   tack (MLC, estb.1869) was   BSEB’s new record
             has drawn up a plan to   safety protocols, deputy   upgraded to the status of a
             establish over 100 schools   chief minister Prestone   university on the birth an-  PATNA, APRIL 13. The Bihar
             of specialised excellence   Tynsong informed the   niversary of 19th century   School Examination Board
             (SSE) in the national capi-  media after a cabinet   legislator and journalist   (BSEB) has set a new
             tal region.              review meeting.          Madhusudan Das.         record by becoming the
                These “world-class”     “The state government    “No institution can   first school exams board
             schools will provide gifted   has urged parents not to   make progress without   countrywide to declare
             students special assistance   panic and allow students   the collective responsibil-  the class X and XII board
             in developing STEM, hu-  to write the examinations   ity of society. Therefore, I   exam results for three
             manities, performing and   scheduled to begin on   appeal to all stakeholders,   years in a row.
             visual arts skills to prepare   April 16 and continue until   particularly all former   Within 25 days of
             them for the imminent era   May 12,” he said.     principals, teachers and   the conclusion of class
             of hyper specialisation,   Meanwhile, addi-       students of this great   XII exams on March
             said a state government   tional chief secretary of   institution to extend their   13, education minister
             communique issued on the   education D.P. Wahlang is   support and cooperation   Vijay Kumar Chaudhary
             occasion.                investigating the feasibil-  to this ambitious new ven-  announced the BSEB’s
                                      ity of conducting in-school   ture,” said Prof. Kamaljeet   class XII results on April
               PUNJAB                 class X examinations, he   Singh, founding vice   5. The class X results were
             Automatic promotions     added.                   chancellor of Madhusudan   announced a day later on
             largesse                   JAMMU & KASHMIR        Law University, speaking   April 6.
                                                               on the occasion.
                                                                                          “This year the board
             CHANDIGARH, APRIL 15.    New development                                  leveraged new high-speed
             A day after the Central                            HARYANA                software for processing
             government announced     programmes               Entrepreneurship        results. We tabulated the
             cancellation of CBSE     JAMMU, APRIL 25. Four                            scores of more than 10
             class X exams and        model residential schools   Mindset Curriculum   million answer sheets
             postponement of class    will be established in the   SONIPAT, APRIL 9. Delivering   within 25 days, setting
             XII exams amid rising    tribal areas of Jammu    the keynote address at the   a new record for speedy
             Covid-19 cases, Punjab   and Kashmir, said Shahid   top-ranked private liberal   results announcement. In
             chief minister Captain   Choudhary, tribal affairs   arts and sciences Ashoka   recent years, the board has
             Amarinder Singh          administrative secretary,   University’s Entrepreneur-  introduced digital technol-
             announced automatic      unveiling a programme    ship Education Confer-  ogy which has eliminated
             promotion of children in   for fast-tracking develop-  ence, Delhi deputy chief   human intervention mak-
             classes V, VIII and X in   ment projects in the Union   minister Manish Sisodia   ing the results tabulation
             state government schools.   territory.            said several former stu-  process quick and fair,”
                “Since the state had    “Several development   dents of Delhi government   said Anand Kishor, chair-
             shut down all educational   projects are in the pipeline   schools have success-  man of BSEB, speaking on
             institutions till April 30   including filling vacancies   fully nurtured their family   the occasion.
             to safeguard children in   to strengthen the tribal   businesses based on their
             the 11-20 age group, some   affairs ministry, develop-  learning from the state   Paromita Sengupta with
             relief needed to be given to   ing a portal for scholar-  government’s entrepre-       bureau inputs

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