Page 27 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 27

The School should create a digital transformation team;   Empowered Student
         the responsibility will be as follows:              There has been a lot of debate on the following, ideal
            Mapping physical classes to digital classes, teachers and   screen time for students, lack social interaction between
         students credential creation, mapping of lesson plans, Time   students, and can a home environment replace a classroom.
         Plans, Digital Resource Plan, Delivery Plan and Human   For students, technology is no longer an isolated tool or
         Resource Plan.                                   separate subject to learn. Many students entering schools
            In every Gen Extra Muros there will be five teaching   today have an unparalleled comfort with technology and
         resources in one class session or called as Class Managers,   confidence in their ability to use it. The use of technology
         their rolls and responsibility are as follows:   is becoming a seamless part of their lives and a powerful
            Presenter: Will present the lesson plan to the learner   tool for learning.
         Collaborator: Will answers the question from the learner   Gen Extra Muros has designed a digital learning
         on chat and clarify their doubts                 format for a Connected Learning.
            Engagement specialist: will test the learning at various
         intervals and will publish the results to the class managers  Educator Time:
            Content Manager: will drive the class by mapping   Each digital leaning session between a learner and
         different learning objects for a lesson plan, if the learner are   educator should be restricted from a 20 min to 40 min
         not able to comprehend the lesson the content manager will   session depending on the age group. In this session,
         change the learning object to suit the learners, they will get   learner will be presented with lessons, in which there will
         information from Collaborator and Engagement specialist   be collaboration, engagement and personalized learning
         during the class and will deliver content dynamically.
            DTHL coordinator: will look into IT infrastructure,   Peer Time:
         starting and ending of the class, digital resources needed   Research has shown students learn better by interacting
         to conduct the class, entry and exit of students, student   with each other. Therefore, our suggestion is project work
         attendance, responsible for virtual field trips etc.,  should be given to smaller groups of students, assigning
                                                          them breakaway rooms, so that students can collaborate
         Digital Content                                  with each other and compete these projects. This technique
            The cube leaders (subject experts) along with their   will help build their communication, collaboration,
         team of Content Generators and Digital Content Creators   creativity, critical thinking and computational thinking
         will create content to be presented in virtual classroom.   the 5 C’s. These sessions should not exceed more that one
         They will be responsible for LESSON PLAN, TIME PLAN,   hour a day.
         HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN                              Me Time:
                                                             Students  should learn to  do  their assignments
         Empowered Teachers                               independently using the digital platform. The platform
            Effective  learning  has  always  depended  on  effective   should be able to assist the student to complete their
         teachers. In the age of technology-empowered education, the   assignments using AI techniques. This will improve the
         teacher remains the critical link to learning. The integration   Critical Thinking of a the learner. AI platform can also
         of technology does however create a more sophisticated and   record multiple Intelligences of student and make learning
         robust role for teachers in the classroom. Now a teacher   personalized. Here multimode assessment could be used to
         will have more specialize rolls compared to generalized roll   understand the learning capability of a student.
         in the past. A teacher can be Cube Leader, Digital Content
         Creator, Presenter, Collaborator, Engagement specialist,   Preparation Time:
         Content Manager, DTHL coordinator or all of the above.  When students attend the online classes without being
                                                          familiar with lesson plan, they are not proactive in the

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