Page 32 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 32

Cover Story

             tence of faculty, faculty welfare and
             development, curriculum and peda-
             gogy, placement record, infrastructure
             and leadership/management quality.
             The scores awarded by 3,956 academi-
             cally informed sample respondents to
             private autonomous, government au-
             tonomous (as classified by the Univer-
             sity Grants Commission) — as also the
             country’s Top 100 non-autonomous
             and engineering colleges (separately
             ranked  under  nine  parameters)  —
             under each parameter were totalled
             to rank colleges in discrete categories
             and eliminate apples and oranges type
             “       THIS  YEAR’S  SURVEY  OF   JGU’s Raj Kumar: important service  Palety: digital media survey

                     India’s most respected arts,
                     science and commerce col-
                     leges  was  conducted  using   the Congress party.        autonomous  All  India  Council  for
             a structured questionnaire adminis-  Before  a  reading  of  the  league   Technical Education (AICTE) was es-
             tered through digital media, because   tables in the pages following, an ex-  tablished to monitor, regulate, super-
             of  travel  restrictions  mandated  by   planatory comment on autonomous   vise and accredit engineering colleges,
             the Covid-19 pandemic. Our field re-  and non-autonomous colleges is nec-  technical institutes and business man-
             searchers interviewed 1,823 selected   essary for better understanding of the   agement  institutions.  However,  the
             faculty and 2,133 final year students   sui generis league tables presented by   blue-chip IITs, IIMs and NITs, IIITs
             of  colleges  across  the  country  and   EducationWorld.         were established by separate Acts of
             asked them to rate ASC institutions   In 1956, the Delhi-based University   Parliament  and  excluded  from  the
             with which they are familiar under six   Grants Commission (UGC) was estab-  supervisory  and  regulatory  purview
             parameters of higher education excel-  lished to monitor, regulate, supervise   of AICTE.
             lence. The scores awarded by them on   and subsidise all non-technical higher   Moreover under s.12 and s.26 of
             a ten point scale — later multiplied by   education  institutions  countrywide.   the UGC Act, 1956, the commission is
             ten — on these parameters were to-  Under its charter it was empowered   empowered to issue rules/guidelines
             talled to rank institutions in separate   to fund all Central government univer-  to non-technical colleges/universities
             categories. Scores awarded by respon-  sities, and to award discretionary proj-  for  the  maintenance  of  standards.
             dents to their own institutions were   ect grants to state government univer-  Under  the  University  Grants  Com-
             disregarded and colleges rated by less   sities. In the Union budget 2021-22   mission (Conferment of Autonomous
             than 25 sample respondents are not   the  Centre’s  financial  allocation  to   Status upon Colleges and Measures
             listed,”  says  Premchand Palety,   enable the commission to discharge   for Maintenance of Standards in Au-
             promoter-CEO  of  the  Delhi-based   its charter is Rs.4,693 crore.   tonomous Colleges) Regulations, the
             Centre  for  Forecasting  &  Research   Similarly in 1987, a separate and   commission is empowered to confer
             Pvt.  Ltd  (C  fore.  estb.2000)  which                           academic autonomy on high perfor-
             has conducted this publication’s an-                              mance colleges.
             nual ranking surveys ab initio.   A parallel objective of these     Unlike  non-autonomous  colleges
                An alumnus of Punjab Engineering   league tables is to enable   which are tied to the apron strings of
             College,  Chandigarh  and  the  FORE   college administrations to   their affiliating universities, autono-
             School of Management, Delhi, Palety                               mous colleges are permitted to design
             served as a senior manager with ORG   reflect upon their relative   their own syllabuses and curriculums,
             (Organisation & Research Group) —   strengths and weaknesses      introduce  new  study  programmes,
             India’s pioneer retail market research                            conduct examinations and have the
             company — prior to going solo in the   and address them to        freedom to prescribe rules for admis-
             new millennium and promoting C fore   raise teaching-learning     sion in consonance with the reserva-
             two decades ago. This company’s ma-                               tion policy of the state government/
             jor clients include Nestle, Mint and   standards to global levels  national  policy,  and  independently

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