Page 33 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 33

prescribe tuition fees.          Board of Accreditation of the All In-  eyed school-leavers have to carefully
                They can also constitute their own   dia Council for Technical Education)   choose the best of a bad lot undergrad
             academic councils, board of studies   for at least three programme(s) or be   colleges most suitable to develop the
             and finance committees and shall have   awarded autonomy by a correspond-  cognitive skills required for success in
             “complete administrative autonomy   ing accreditation grade/score from a   the increasingly complex 21st century
             and the privilege of appointing their   UGC empanelled accreditation agen-  workplaces. We hope our league tables
             own administrative staff and teaching   cy”. Unsurprisingly, only 827 colleges   presented in the following pages will
             faculty  including  principal”.  Under   out of the country’s 39,931 colleges   aid and enable them to make this dif-
             s.3, UGC also has the power to confer   have been awarded autonomous sta-  ficult but critically important choice.
             autonomy upon high performance pri-  tus by UGC (March 31, 2021).   A parallel objective of these league
             vate ‘deemed-to-be universities’ which   Thus over the past seven decades   tables  is  to  enable  college  adminis-
             are also fully autonomous, except that   government has established an almost   trations to reflect upon their relative
             they  are  prohibited  from  affiliating   complete stranglehold over higher ed-  strengths and weaknesses and to ad-
             colleges, a privilege (irrationally) re-  ucation in India. Unsurprisingly, none   dress them to raise teaching-learning
             stricted to public universities.   of India’s reportedly 39,931 colleges   standards to global levels.
                However,  UGC  prescribes  stiff   and 979 universities — some of them   In this issue we present league ta-
             conditions for awarding colleges and   of over 150 years vintage — are ranked   bles ranking the country’s best private
             universities autonomous status. Ap-  in the Top 200 global league tables of   autonomous, government autonomous
             plicant colleges must be of more than   Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) or Times   and  non-autonomous  colleges,  and
             ten years standing and “accredited by   Higher Education, the authoritative   Top 100 private engineering colleges.
             either  NAAC  (National  Assessment   London-based  agencies  which  rank   Our  June  issue  will  feature  the  Top
             and Accreditation Council) with mini-  universities  worldwide.  It’s  against   300 private and government univer-
             mum ‘A’ Grade or by NBA (National   this  backdrop  that  India’s  bright-  sities, and Top 100 private B-schools.

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