Page 35 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 35
loss of learning,” says est ground because of
Shinde who adds that the promotion of several
SXM is the sole college dark horse undergrad
in Maharashtra to be arts, science and com-
included in the NIRF merce colleges.
Top 100 league table In the next tier among
of the Union education private autonomous un-
ministry. dergrad colleges which
Although SXM and have impressed this
St. Joseph’s College, year’s sample respon-
Bangalore at #2 have dents are JSS College
retained their 2020- for Women, Mysuru
21 rankings, there are ranked #21 (26); Dr.
three new entrants at N.G.P Arts & Science
top table. St. Xavier’s, College, Coimbatore
Kolkata ranked #6 last #24 (28) and the previ-
year has been voted #3 ously unranked Akki-
by this year’s sample re- St. Joseph’s College, Bengaluru: deadly sin susceptibility neni Nageswara Rao
spondents, and Loyola College, Krishna Dist,
College, Chennai is promoted from tian College, Chennai at #6 (cf. Andhra Pradesh at #26.
#8 to #4 (and #1 in Tamil Nadu su- #3 in 2020-21), Mithibai College, A striking feature of the EW 2021-
perseding Madras Christian College) Mumbai #7 (5); Rajagiri College 22 league table of the country’s Top
in 2021-22. of Social Sciences, Kochi #8 (7) 230 privately promoted arts, science
Moreover two all-women’s col- and #1 in Kerala jointly with the pre- and commerce colleges is that the
leges have been promoted to the Top viously unranked Narsee Monjee overwhelming majority of them are
5 with Mount Carmel College, College of Commerce & Econom- sited in the southern peninsula states
Bengaluru retaining its #4 rank ics, Mumbai which was recently — Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
and the Chennai-based Stella Maris conferred autonomous status; R.A. Andhra and Telangana. Colleges of
College awarded a big promotion to Podar College of Commerce & the country’s most populous and po-
#5 all-India (and #2 in Tamil Nadu) Economics, Mumbai at #9 (5) and litically dominant states are a rare and
from a modest #14 last year. St. Ann’s College for Women, low-ranked minority.
Surprisingly despite — or perhaps Hyderabad #10 (6). It’s noteworthy Thus the top-ranked private college
because of — their laudable contribu- that three all-women’s colleges, which granted autonomous status by UGC in
tion to Indian education many men are popularly believed to be obsolete, Uttar Pradesh (pop.215 million) is the
and women of the cloth who head are ranked among the Top 10 nation- Ewing Christian College, Praya-
these top-ranked missionary col- ally and St. Ann’s, Hyderabad #1 in graj (EWC, formerly Allahabad) at
leges established in the heyday of the Telangana (pop.40 million). #51. The aggregate score awarded to
British Raj, are susceptible to pride, Beyond the Top 10 table of pri- EWC by this year’s 3,956 respondents
often singled out as the deadliest of vate autonomous colleges only Mar is 480 cf. the top-ranked St. Xavier’s,
the seven deadly sins in the Bible and Ivanios College, Thiruvanantha- Mumbai’s 612.
Christian theological literature. puram #11 (13) and Ethiraj College Similarly, the premier college in
“What the weak head with stron- for Women, Chennai which has Bihar (pop.127 million) is St. Xavi-
gest bias rules, is pride, the never- risen high in esteem of the informed er’s College of Education, Patna
failing vice of fools”, wrote Alexander public and is ranked #18 (36) have im- ranked #76 with an aggregate score
Pope the 18th century English poet proved their ranking in 2021-22. The of 452. The top-ranked private au-
and satirist. Repeated attempts to rest have been obliged to cede mod- tonomous college in Madhya Pradesh
convey good tidings by email, telecom (pop.86 million) is the Bhopal
etc and elicit reactions and comment School of Social Sciences ranked
from the principals of the St. Joseph’s ere is a substantial #38 (494) and in Rajasthan (pop.82
College, Bengaluru, St. Xavier’s Col- north-south collegiate million), it’s S.S. Jain Subodh P.G.
lege, Kolkata and Stella Maris, Chen- College, Jaipur #18 (524).
nai didn’t merit any acknowledgement divide within the country Clearly there is a substantial north-
or courteous response. which needs to be urgently south collegiate divide within the
The remaining places at the Top 10 country that needs to be urgently ad-
table are allotted to Madras Chris- addressed dressed.