Page 34 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 34

Cover Story

             INDIA’S TOP-RANKED PRIVATE                                        governance. Dr. Rajendra Shinde,

                                                                               the cooperative principal of SXM, at-
             AUTONOMOUS COLLEGES                                               tributes  this  151-year-old  college’s
                                                                               continuous top ranking to its admin-
                                                                               istration  and  faculty’s  capability  to
                                                                               respond to needs of changing times.
                                                                                 “We are fortunate this institution
                                                                               attracts  committed  and  dedicated
                                                                               faculty open to adopting new pedago-
                                                                               gies and technologies to ensure that
                                                                               students receive a valuable and enjoy-
                                                                               able education experience. We are also
                                                                               fortunate that SXM is the first choice
                                                                               of top-ranked school-leaving students
                                                                               who are receptive to innovative peda-
                                                                               gogies and enthusiastic about making
                                                                               the most of their college education.
                                                                               These  are  the  prime  factors  behind
                                                                               our continuously high ranking in the
                                                                               annual  EducationWorld  and  other
                                                                               media rankings,” says Shinde, himself
                                                                               a graduate of SXM who served on the
                                                                               college faculty for 27 years before he
                                                                               was appointed principal of his alma
                                                                               mater in 2018.
             SXM’s Rajendra Shinde (centre): dedicated faculty & top-ranked students advantage  Shinde admits that the past year
                                                                               during which it was shut down for the
             The 2021-22 sample respondents — 1,823 academics and              entire year was unprecedented for this
             2,133 final year college students in 21 states — have awarded     vintage college whose alumni includes
                                                                               the late outstanding jurist Nani Palkh-
             six seats at the Top 10 table of private autonomous colleges      ivala,  best-selling  author  Rohinton
             to Christian minority promoted  institutions                      Mistry, industrialist Mukesh Ambani
                                                                               and test cricket star Sunil Gavaskar
                                                                               among scores of other luminaries.
                      s noted in our commentary   would be apposite to appreciate the   “Though we were all — faculty and
                      in  the  EducationWorld   beneficial role that higher education   students — forced to shift to online
                      India  league  table  of  the   institutions promoted by the Christian   teaching-learning for the first time, af-
             Acountry’s  most  admired        minority has played in educating and   ter some initial hiccups, with the help
             privately-promoted autonomous un-  nurturing India’s 300 million-strong   of a massive training drive our faculty
             dergrad colleges last year, these league   middle  class  —  among  the  largest   mastered  several  new  technologies.
             tables were dominated by institutions   worldwide — which has powered the   After  that,  through  digitally-driven
             promoted by India’s small minority   growth, even if unsatisfactory, of in-  programs such as flipped classroom,
             (2.3  percent)  Christian  community.   dustry and the economy during the   giving  students  thought-provoking
             This  year  as  well,  the  national  Top   past 70 years.        assignments,  and  convening  online
             10  table  is  dominated  by  men  and   In the 2021-22 league table of au-  discussion  forums,  faculty  and  stu-
             women  of  cassock  and  habit.  The   tonomous colleges, St. Xavier’s Col-  dents were totally engaged in learn-
             2021-22  sample respondents — 1,823   lege,  Mumbai  (SXM,  estb.  1869)   ing.  The switch to online learning also
             academics and 2,133 final year college   has retained its last year’s rank as the   provided us the opportunity to invite
             students in 21 states — have awarded   country’s premier private autonomous   numerous special guest speakers and
             six seats at the Top 10 table of private   arts, science and commerce undergrad   lecturers. Although science students
             autonomous colleges to Christian mi-  college with top scores under four of   missed hands-on lab experience, they
             nority promoted institutions.    the six parameters of higher education   were enabled to access various online
                At  a  time  in  the  nation’s  his-  excellence,  viz,  faculty  competence,   projects and experiments. Moreover,
             tory when Hindu majoritarian fever   faculty welfare and development, in-  regularly  administered,  innovative
             is  spreading  across  the  country,  it   dustry  placement,  and  leadership/  online  tests  have  ensured  minimal

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