Page 23 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 23
Education Briefs
Stanford scholarhips innovation to ensure that we offer E2’s Tech for Good Challenge at-
the best global learning and knowl- tracted 440 projects submitted by
MANIPAL, MAY 7. Ms. Akshatha Ka- edge options to our high-potential schools worldwide with educators and
math, a computer science and en- students,” said Dr. C. Raj Kumar, schools from India winning several
gineering student, and Dhruv Suri, founding vice chancellor of JGU, awards in three of four categories, viz,
studying aeronautical engineering at speaking on the occasion. Innovative Designer, Digital Citizen-
the Manipal Institute of Technology ship, Global Collaborator and Creative
(MIT), have been awarded the presti- KSPP’s first scholarship Communicator.
gious Knight-Hennessy scholarship at Winning entries from India were
Stanford University, USA for pursuing awardee from DPS International School, Gu-
Masters’ programmes. This scholar- rugram (overall winner); Bal Bharati
ship is awarded to emerging leaders HYDERABAD, APRIL 22. Kolkata-based Public School, Dwarka, Delhi; DAV
from around the world to enable them Ratnadeep Chakraborty, a journal- Public School, Sreshtha Vihar, Delhi;
to develop collaboration, innovation ism graduate of Christ Deemed Uni- Delhi Public School, Sector 84, Gu-
and communication skills to address versity, Bengaluru, is the first awardee rugram; Udgam School for Children,
the complex challenges of the 21st of a full scholarship from the Kautilya Ahmedabad; Vikas Bharati Public
century. These two MIT students are School of Public Policy, Hyderabad School, Delhi; The Sanskaar Valley
among 76 from 26 countries awarded (estb. 2020) for its two-year Masters School, Bhopal and Waghire High
the scholarship this year. in Public Policy (MPP) programme. School, Pune.
“These students have demon- “We are glad to have talented grad-
strated excellence in education, en- uates like Ratnadeep who has exhib- Vidyashilp University debut
trepreneurial mindsets and genuine ited will power and academic rigour in
compassion to transform the lives of this pandemic era on board. Creating BENGALURU, APRIL 20. A greenfield
people — capabilities that we nurture an environment where policy educa- Vidyashilp University has been es-
in MIT and our parent Manipal Acad- tion is accessible to all, is important tablished under special legislation
emy of Higher Education,” said Dr. for us at the Kautilya School of Public (Act No.20 of 2021) of the Karnataka
H.S. Ballal, pro chancellor of MAHE Policy,” said Prateek Kanwal, co- legislative assembly. The university’s
in an official statement congratulating founder of the school. prime objective is to create a com-
the two students. “I sincerely thank those who have munity of empowered students and
selected me for this scholarship and faculty who will evolve into conscien-
India’s first UAS look forward to contributing to ad- tious leaders, through its integrated
multi-domain, interdisciplinary pro-
dressing national development issues
programme in the public interest,” added Rat- grams. The university will commence
nadeep Chakraborty. its first academic year in September
SONIPAT, APRIL 13. O.P. Jindal Global 2021.
University, Sonipat (Haryana) aka MS Tech for Good Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Day-
JGU, announced India’s first uni- ananda Pai, chancellor, Vidyashilp
versity administrative service (UAS) Challenge winners University, said: “The Vidyashilp Edu-
programme for its graduates. This cation Group has shaped generations
unique postgrad programme offers NEW DELHI, APRIL 14. The US-based of young minds, and now extends its
graduate students direct access to Microsoft Inc announced the winners vision to impact the higher education
well-remunerated and reputed career of its global Tech for Good Challenge space through this initiative. We are
paths within JGU. at its annual Microsoft Education Ex- committed to creating meaningful and
“The purpose of the UAS pro- change forum. The 2021 edition of collective learning experiences to nur-
gramme is to enable highly skilled Education Exchange (E2) attracted ture conscientious leaders who will be
young leaders to work within admin- 16,000 registrants from around the beacons of change for a progressive
istrative departments of JGU and world to celebrate the achievements and sustainable society.”
provides a fast-track career path to of educators who combine content, Vidyashilp Education Group
selected talented individuals so they pedagogy and technology. This year’s (VSEG) consists of the Bengaluru-
can assume administrative leadership E2 was a three-day event with daily based flagship K-12 Vidyashilp Acad-
positions early in their careers. Indian keynotes, inspirational speakers and emy, Vidyasagar preschools and the
academia needs outstanding talent in curated sessions for professional de- Vidyashilp schools. VSEG has an ag-
high-level admin positions to formu- velopment focussing on issues rang- gregate enrolment of over 10,000 stu-
late institution development policies ing from social-emotional learning to dents mentored by 300 faculty in its
and stimulate academic and research STEM education. five education institutions.