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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 209

                  Environmental triggers suggested include enterobacte-  ducts. Raised cholesterol and raised total IgM are also
                  ria suchas E. coli.                           found.

                  Pathophysiology                               Management
                  Chronic inflammation of the small intrahepatic bile  Supportive treatment involves ursodeoxycholic acid
                  ducts leads to cholestasis and destruction of bile ducts.  (which helps the pruritus), calcium and vitamin sup-
                  This leads on to portal tract fibrosis and cirrhosis. Duct  plementation, management of complications such as
                  epithelium in the pancreas, salivary and lacrimal glands  varices, hyperlipidaemia. The disease may recur after
                  are also affected.                            liver transplantation.

                  Clinical features
                  Up to half of patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis. Pa-  Asymptomatic patients may have a normal life ex-
                                                                pectancy. In symptomatic patients advancing age, hep-
                  tients may complain of fatigue and pruritus, followed
                                                                atomegaly, high bilirubin, low albumin and cirrhosis
                  some months later by jaundice. Any sign of liver disease
                                                                correlate with shortened survival (5–7 years in severe
                  may be present, such as clubbing, hepatomegaly, spider
                  naevi, xanthomata. Asymptomatic patients are discov-
                  ered through abnormal biochemical findings or during
                  investigation of another autoimmune disorder such as  Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
                  Macroscopy/microscopy                         A disease of unknown aetiology in which chronic in-
                  Throughout the disease, copper accumulates due to the  flammation of the bile ducts leads to stricture formation
                  chronic cholestasis.                          and progressive obstructive jaundice.
                    Stage I: Lymphocytic infiltration of small bile ducts

                    and portal tracts with occasional granuloma forma-
                                                                Peak 25–40 years.
                    Stage II: More widespread inflammation in the peri-

                    portal parenchyma, leading to loss of bile ducts.
                                                                M > F
                    Stage III: Fibrous septa extend between triads and

                    form fibrous bridges (bridging necrosis).
                    Stage IV: Cirrhosis with absent bile ducts, scarring,

                                                                The cause is unknown but there is a strong associa-
                    distorted architecture and nodular regeneration.
                                                                tion with HLA haplotype (HLA-B8, DR-3, DR-2 and
                                                                DR-52a). There is also a strong association with inflam-
                                                                matory bowel disease, which is present in 60–75%, but

                                                                may be asymptomatic. Also associated with HIV infec-
                    creatic hyposecretion, renal tubular acidosis (possibly
                    copper induced).
                    Increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and breast  Pathophysiology

                    cancer.                                     Chronic inflammation of the intra- and extra-hepatic
                    Associated with many other disorders, such as  bile ducts leads to fibrosis and short strictures form

                    Sj¨ ogren’s, hypothyroidism, systemic lupus erythe-  which obstruct the passage of bile. Chronic obstruc-
                    matosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis.      tion leads to jaundice and cirrhosis develops over about
                                                                10 years.
                  Definitive diagnosis is made on liver biopsy. Anti-  Clinical features
                  mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) are present in >99%.  Patients usually present with progressive jaundice and
                  Raised alkaline phosphatase suggests damage to bile  pruritus or ascending cholangitis.
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