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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 205

                  Clinical features                              bylightmicroscopy.Alcoholmayalterand/orenhance
                  HEV causes acute hepatitis, with a prodromal phase of  the effects of other chemicals on the liver, including
                  a‘flu-like’ illness, followed by jaundice. Generally there  other hepatotoxins and carcinogens.
                  is a 1% risk of fulminant liver failure, except in women     Alcohol increases lactate and fatty acid accumulation
                  in the last trimester of pregnancy where there is a 25%  resulting in fatty liver.
                  risk.                                            Chronic alcohol use activates the microsomal oxidis-
                  Management                                     other drugs (see Fig. 5.9). Cirrhosis may result from
                  Supportive care may be required.               fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. Liver
                                                                 cell membranes may become immunogenic resulting
                                                                 in a lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxic response against
                  Other liver diseases                           the liver cells.

                  Alcohol-induced liver disease
                                                                Clinical features
                  Definition                                     Differing patterns are seen:
                  Liver disease caused by alcohol range from a fatty liver     Acute alcoholic hepatitis resembles acute viral hepati-
                  to hepatitis and cirrhosis.                    tis, (malaise, anorexia, jaundice, abdominal pain and
                  Incidence/prevalence                             Fatty liver is asymptomatic, it may be detected with
                  Alcohol is the most common cause of liver disease in the  abnormal liver function tests.
                  West.                                            Chronic alcohol-induced liver damage may present
                                                                 with signs of chronic liver damage or with complica-
                                                                 tions of cirrhosis.
                  Increasing importance in developing countries.
                  Aetiology                                     There are three main patterns of liver damage:
                  The risk of developing chronic disease is related to quan-     Alcoholic hepatitis is focal necrosis of hepatocytes,
                  tity, types of beverage, drinking pattern (see page 521),  with neutrophil infiltration. Fibrosis around the cen-
                  nutrition and genetic susceptibility.          tral veins is present in later cases. Characteristically
                                                                 Mallory’s bodies composed of cytoskeletal fragments
                  Pathophysiology                                andubiquitin,aheatshockproteinthatlabelsproteins
                    Any alcohol ingestion causes changes in liver cells,  as being damaged and targets them for breakdown.

                    which can be seen by electron microscopy. Alcoholic  It appears as bright eosinophilic amorphous globules
                    hepatitis refers to alcohol-induced liver injury visible  within hepatocytes.

                                                        Alcohol    NAD + H+
                                                   alcohol dehydrogenase
                                                                                           Lactate and fatty acid
                                                      Acetaldehyde  NAD + H+                  produced
                                                  acetaldehyde dehydrogenase     Increased in alcohol-
                                                                                 induced liver damage
                                                        Acetate   + NADH
                                                                                          Increased metabolism of
                                                                                          alcohol and other drugs
                  Figure 5.9 Alcohol metabolism.
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