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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 207

                  Clinical features                             Drug-induced liver disease
                  Most patients are asymptomatic, fatigue, malaise and
                                                                Hepatic injury caused by drugs accounts for 2–5% of
                  rightupper abdominal discomfort may occur in some
                                                                hospital admissions for jaundice. Drugs that cause hep-
                  patients with NASH. Hepatomegaly is a frequent find-
                                                                atotoxicity may be subdivided into predictable (dose-
                  ing. Most cases are found on incidental abnormal liver
                                                                dependent) and idiosyncratic, although more than one
                  function tests.
                                                                mechanism may occur with a single drug (see Fig. 5.11).
                  Complications                                    Direct hepatotoxins have a direct physico-chemical ef-
                  Histologic progression occurs in a small proportion of  fectonthecells,e.g.membranedisruptionwhichleads
                  patients (up to 20%), a few of which progress to end-  to metabolic defects.
                  stage liver disease. Patients who develop cirrhosis may     Cytotoxicindirecthepatotoxinsinterferewiththehep-
                  be at increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma.  atocytes’ integrity, most commonly this manifests as
                                                                 fatty change and necrosis due to decreased removal of
                  Investigations                                 lipid from the cell.
                  SerumASTandALTareraised(>90%ofpatients)andal-     Cholestatic drugs interfere with the uptake or ex-
                  kalinephosphataseisoftennormalasareserumbilirubin  cretion of bile by hepatocytes, which manifests as
                  levels;however,patientswithseverelyabnormalliverhis-  cholestasis in the upper biliary tree.
                  tology may have normal liver function tests. Ultrasound     Idiosyncratic hepatotoxins appear to cause a chronic
                  scan may indicate fatty infiltration. Liver biopsy is the  active hepatitis similar to autoimmune chronic hep-
                  only definitive method to diagnose or exclude NAFLD,  atitis and there may be antinuclear and anti smooth
                  although its exact role in the management of patients  muscleantibodiespresentinserum.Thoughrare,they
                  withoutdefinitiveevidenceofliverdamageisundecided.  areimportantbecausethediseaseisreversibleonwith-
                  Management                                    The pathophysiology of drug hepatotoxicity may also be
                    Obesity, hyperlipidemia and diabetes should be man-  divided into the liver pathology caused (see Table 5.6).

                    aged; however, weight loss should be gradual as rapid
                    weight loss may exacerbate the condition.
                    Potential treatments under investigation include vi-  Autoimmune chronic hepatitis

                    tamin E and C supplementation, oral hypoglycemic
                    agents and ursodeoxycholic acid.            Definition
                    In the few patients who progress to end stage, liver
                                                                Achronic hepatitis of unknown aetiology characterised
                    failure transplantation may be required; however, re-  bycirculatingautoantibodiesandinflammatorychanges
                    currence in the transplanted liver has been reported.  on liver histology.

                                                             Intrinsic                  Idiosyncratic
                                                            hepatotoxins                hepatotoxins
                                                             Predictable                Idiosyncratic
                                                           Dose-dependent             Dose-independent
                                                             Common                       Rare

                                                      Direct         Indirect    Hypersensitivity  Abnormal
                                                                                 (‘autoimmune’)  metabolism

                  Figure 5.11 Mechanisms of                   Cytotoxic    Cholestatic
                  drug-induced liver disease.
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