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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 203

                                                                                       anti HBc (Total)

                                                                                       anti HBs

                                                                                       anti HBe

                               HBeAg                       anti HBc lgM

                             Incubation   Acute infection  Recent acute infection  Recovery
                             (4–12 weeks)  (2–12 weeks)    (2–16 weeks)             (years)

                  Figure 5.8 Serological changes following acute infection with hepatitis.

                  Prognosis                                     Clinical features
                  Up to 40% eventually die from liver disease.  Less than 10% of patients have an acute flu-like illness
                                                                with jaundice, the remainder are asymptomatic at the
                                                                time of infection. Very rarely hepatitis C can cause ful-
                  Hepatitis C                                   minanthepaticfailure.Followinginfectionmostpatients
                                                                sis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Chronic hepatitis C is
                  Hepatitis C is one of the hepatotrophic viruses, which
                  predominantly causes a chronic hepatitis.
                                                                sea, anorexia and right upper quadrant pain. Symptoms
                                                                and signs of chronic liver disease occur years after initial
                  Common worldwide. Carrier rate of 0.2% in northern
                  Geography                                     Lymphocytic infiltration within the vascular sinusoids.
                  Five per cent carrier rate in Far East; 1–2% in Mediter-  Fatty change is seen in the hepatocytes, with little active
                  ranean.                                       hepatocellular necrosis.

                  ssRNA virus of the flavivirus group. It was discovered  Chronic active hepatitis may be associated with autoim-
                  in 1988 as being the most common cause of non-A,  mune hepatitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, lichen planus, thy-
                  non-B hepatitis, particularly in blood transfusion recipi-  roiditis, membranous glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis
                  ents. The main route of HCV transmission is parenteral,  nodosa and mixed essential cryoglobulinemia.
                  most patients will give a history of either intravenous
                  drug abuse or a blood/blood product transfusion prior  Investigations
                  to testing. There is some evidence of sexual transmis-     Seroconversion occurs several months after infection,
                  sion, which may be facilitated by co-infection with HIV.  butanti-HCVisfoundinchronicsufferersofhepatitis,
                  Vertical transmission may occur especially if the mother  carriers (using ELISA) and those who have recovered
                  is HIV positive or has a high viral load.      from infection.
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