Page 203 - Medicine and Surgery
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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 199

                      blood flow, so that there is a lower risk of en-  from the lowest point of the oesophagus. Urgent blood
                      cephalopathy afterwards.                  samples should be sent for full blood count, group and
                    3 Insertion of a transjugular intrahepatic portosys-  cross-matchforatleast6units,U&Es,glucose,liverfunc-
                      temic shunt (TIPSS) can be performed without  tion tests and clotting profile.
                      general anaesthesia and laparotomy. A transjugu-
                      lar approach is used to pass a guidewire through the  Management
                      hepatic vein piercing the wall to the intrahepatic  Resuscitation:
                      branches of the portal vein, a stent is then passed     At least two large bore peripheral cannulae should
                      over the guidewire. The risk of encephalopathy is  be sited for fluid resuscitation. Packed red blood cells
                      the same as for other shunts, but operative morbid-  should be given as soon as possible, O −ve blood may
                      ity and mortality is improved.             be required before cross-matched blood is available.
                    Liver transplantation offers the only hope of cure.  Anyabnormalities in prothrombin time or platelet

                                                                 count should be corrected.
                                                                   Careful fluid balance assessment is essential and may
                  Bleeding oesophageal varices
                                                                 require urinary catheterisation and central venous
                  Definition                                      pressure measurements.
                  Oesophageal varices are dilated vessels at the junction     Elective intubation may be required in severe uncon-
                  between the oesophagus and the stomach and occur in  trolled variceal bleeding, severe encephalopathy, in
                  portal hypertension. They may rupture and cause an  patients unable to maintain oxygen saturation above
                  acute and severe upper gastrointestinal bleed.  90%, or in patients with evidence of an aspiration
                  Incidence/prevalence                          Further management:
                  30–50% of patients with portal hypertension will bleed     An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy should be per-
                  from varices.                                  formed as soon as the patient is haemodynamically
                  Aetiology                                      If banding is not possible, the varices should be in-
                  Varicesresult from portal hypertension, the most com-  jected with a sclerosant.
                  moncauseofwhichiscirrhosis.Factorspredictingbleed-     If endoscopy is unavailable, vasoconstrictors, such as
                  ing in varices include pressure within the varix, variceal  octreotide or glypressin, or a Sengstaken tube may be
                  size and severity of the underlying liver disease.  used while more definitive therapy is arranged.
                                                                 In case of bleeding that is difficult to control, a

                  Clinical features                              Sengstakentubeshouldbeinserteduntilfurtherendo-
                  Patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding  scopic treatment, transjugular intrahepatic portosys-
                  present with haematemesis, which is usually a large vol-  temic shunting (TIPSS) or surgical treatment is per-
                  ume of fresh blood. Melaena may also be present. Se-  formed.
                  vere blood loss results in hypovolaemic shock. Signs of     Infection may occur following a variceal haemorrhage
                  chronic liver disease may be present (jaundice, pallor  in cirrhotic patients resulting in significant morbidity
                  spider naevi, liver palms, opaque nails, clubbing). Other  and mortality. All patients should receive a course of
                  features of portal hypertension may be seen.   broad-spectrum antibiotics as prophylaxis.
                                                                Secondary prophylaxis following a variceal bleed in cir-
                  Investigations                                rhosis:
                  The diagnostic investigation is endoscopy, which may     Following control of active bleeding the varices
                  also be therapeutic during an acute bleed. The varices  should be eradicated using endoscopic band liga-
                  must be confirmed to be the source of bleeding, because  tion (sclerotherapy if banding unavailable). Following
                  up to 20% of patients with varices also have peptic ulcers  successful eradication of the varices repeated upper
                  and/orgastritis.Thevaricesareseenastortuouscolumns  gastrointestinal endoscopy is required to screen for
                  in the lower third of the oesophagus. They usually bleed  recurrence.
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