Page 208 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   204 Chapter 5: Hepatic, biliary and pancreatic systems

                     Acute infection is diagnosed by the presence of HCV  If hepatitis D occurs in patients carrying hepatitis B,

                     RNA in the serum, using PCR. A positive PCR in-  i.e. a super-infection, it may precipitate an acute hep-
                     dicates current viraemia whereas a negative test with  atitis or convert a mild chronic disease to fulminant
                     positive anti-HCV antibodies suggests non-viraemic  hepatitis. HDV super-infection has a strong tendency
                     infection, transient absence of viraemia or recovered  (10–40%) towards chronic progressive disease, lead-
                     infection. Quantification of the viral load may be of  ing to an increased risk of rapidly developing cirrhosis
                     use in tailoring treatment.                  and hepatocellular carcinoma.
                     Liver biopsy is used for assessing liver inflammation,

                     potential progression of fibrosis and the presence or
                     absence of cirrhosis.                      Finding antibodies to HDV (IgM or IgG) is diagnostic.
                                                                Alternatively, a cDNA probe can be used to detect HDV
                   Management                                   in the blood, and HDAg can be detected in liver cells
                   Counselling regarding transmission is essential. In acute  using immunofluoresence.
                   infection supportive treatment may be necessary. Com-
                   bination therapy with pegylated interferon α and rib-
                   avirin is recommended for the treatment of people aged
                                                                There is no vaccine for hepatitis D; however, vaccination
                                                                against hepatitis B will prevent hepatitis D infection. In-
                   tis C (histological evidence of significant scarring and/or
                                                                terferon α can be used to treat patients with chronic
                   significant necrotic inflammation). If ribavirin is con-
                                                                hepatitis B who also have hepatitis D infection.
                   traindicated or not tolerated, pegylated interferon α
                   monotherapy should be used. Patients with severe cir-
                   rhosis may require liver transplantation. There is no
                                                                Recovery from hepatitis B leads to clearance of hepatitis
                   available vaccine.
                                                                D also. However, chronic hepatitis D infection has a poor
                   Hepatitis D
                   Definition                                    Hepatitis E
                   Hepatitis D virus (HDV) or delta agent is a virus that
                   only causes hepatitis in conjunction with hepatitis B.
                                                                Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a member of the group of
                                                                hepatotrophic viruses, which cause hepatitis.
                   Hepatitis D, a single stranded RNA virus, has a genome
                   which does not encode for its own protein coat. It there-  Incidence/prevalence
                                                                Epidemics of tens of thousands of cases in developing
                   fore has to use proteins made by the HBV. It is therefore
                   not pathogenic in the absence of HBV replication. Un-
                   like HBV, it has a direct cytopathic effect, which may
                   contribute to the clinical features. Any patient at risk of  Geography
                   hepatitis B is at risk of hepatitis D, particularly intra-  Cause of water-borne epidemics in the Indian subconti-
                   venous drug users.                           nent and North Africa.

                   Clinical features                            Aetiology/pathophysiology
                   Two patterns of disease are seen:            HEV is an ssRNA virus of the calicivirus group. Hepatitis
                     WhenhepatitisBandDsimultaneouslyinfectthehost  E, like hepatitis A, is transmitted via the faecal–oral route

                     aco-infectionoccurs.Theresultinghepatitisisofvari-  and has an incubation period of 2–9 weeks. It causes a
                     able severity, but is more likely to cause fulminant  self-limiting acute hepatitis, with no chronic or carrier
                     hepatic failure. The chronic carrier state is rare.  state.
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