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                                                                           Chapter 5: Disorders of the liver 201



                           Acute hepatitis (A,B,C)                            Asymptomatic

                            Fulminant hepatic         Self-limiting          Chronic hepatitis
                                failure                (recovery)               (B,C,D)

                                                       Immunity        Cirrhosis    Asymptomatic carrier


                  Figure 5.6 Patterns of disease in viral hepatitis.

                  Prognosis                                      Post exposure prophylaxis has reduced this transmis-
                  Case fatality rate less than 1 per 1000. No long-term  sion in the developed world.
                  carrier state.                                   Horizontallytransmissionoccursbetweenyoungchil-
                                                                 skin break or close bodily contact with affected chil-
                  Hepatitis B
                  Definition                                        Sexual intercourse: The virus is most readily transmit-
                  Hepatitis B (HBV) is a predominantly sexually or verti-  tedbyrectal intercourse. At risk individuals include
                  cally transmitted virus, which causes hepatitis.  those with multiple sexual partners. Barrier contra-
                                                                 ceptive methods prevent transmission.
                  Prevalence                                       Blood-borne transmission may occur with transfu-
                                                                 sions, other blood products or at organ transplanta-
                  1 million die annually from HBV-related disease. In the
                                                                 tion. All blood and transplant donors are screened
                  United Kingdom it is uncommon: 0.1–2%.
                                                                 in the United Kingdom. Nosocomial infections may
                  Geography                                      occur due to needle stick injuries or contaminated in-
                  More common in the developing world with highest lev-  struments.
                  els in Africa and SE Asia.
                  Aetiology                                     The incubation period is approximately 2–3 months.
                  HBV is a dsDNA virus of the hepadna group.    The virus is not cytopathic, the liver damage is immune-
                    Vertical transmission is the most common route in  mediated by the cytotoxic T lymphocytes response to

                    high endemic areas. It occurs at or after birth and is  viral antigen expressed on the surface of liver cells dur-
                    mostcommoninbabiesofe-antigenpositivemothers.  ing the period of viral replication. The mechanisms of
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