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                   220 Chapter 5: Hepatic, biliary and pancreatic systems

                     particularly those with biliary obstruction or sepsis,  with profound weight loss and oedema due to hypoal-
                     urgent ERCP and papillotomy is indicated.  buminaemia.
                     Laparotomy may be required to drain retroperitoneal

                     collections of pus, resect any necrotic pancreatic and
                     peripancreatic tissue, and perform peritoneal irriga-
                                                                Predisposes to pancreatic cysts, pseudocysts and pancre-
                     tion. Pancreatic pseudocysts which do not resolve
                                                                atic cancer. Ascites and persistent obstructive jaundice
                     with conservative management require laparoscopic
                                                                may occur.
                     drainage into the stomach.
                                                                Serum amylase fluctuates, but may be moderately raised
                   Pancreatitis is a serious condition: overall mortality is
                                                                on testing.
                   10%. The prognostic factors are listed in Table 5.7. If
                                                                  Plain abdominal X-ray may show calcification.
                   less than three criteria are met then the pancreatitis is
                                                                  Ultrasound and CT scanning demonstrates cysts, cal-
                   considered mild and has <3% mortality. If more than
                                                                cification and enlarged ducts.
                                                                  Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
                   and has >60% mortality.
                                                                the pancreatic duct. Magnetic resonance cholangiopan-
                   Chronic pancreatitis                         creatography is increasingly being used.
                   Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that  Management
                   results in irreversible morphological change and impair-  Precipitating factors especially alcohol need to be re-
                   ment of exocrine and endocrine function.     moved. Adequate analgesia is required, thoracoscopic
                   Age                                          associated with main pancreatic duct dilatation. Steator-
                   Usually >40 years.                           rhoea is managed with pancreatic enzyme supplemen-
                                                                tation and diabetes may need oral hypoglycaemics or
                   Sex                                          insulin. Surgery is indicated for obstruction. Surgical
                   M > F                                        techniques include sphincteromy or sphincteroplasty,
                                                                partial pancreatectomy or opening the pancreatic duct
                   Aetiology/pathophysiology                    along its length and anastomosing it with the duodenum
                   Two patterns of chronic pancreatitis are seen, a chronic  or jejunum. Total pancreatectomy can be carried out,
                   relapsing course with recurring acute pancreatitis and  with replacement oral pancreatic enzymes and insulin.
                   stepwise deterioration, or a truly chronic gradual deteri-
                   oration leading to pancreatic insufficiency. Risk factors
                   includealcoholabuse,hereditarypancreatitis,ductalob-  Tumours of the pancreas
                   struction (e.g. trauma, pseudocysts, stones, tumours),  Carcinoma of the pancreas
                   systemic lupus erythematosus and cystic fibrosis. Hy-
                   percalcaemia, hyperlipidaemia and congenital pancre-
                   atic malformations are recognised associations.
                                                                Malignant tumours of the exocrine pancreas.
                   Clinical features
                   Patients may present with an acute episode of pancre-
                                                                10 per 100,000 per annum and rising.
                   atitis or an insidious onset with persistent or recurrent
                   episodes of abdominal pain and weight loss. Late com-
                   plications include impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes  Age
                   mellitus and malabsorption (steatorrhoea) associated  Mainly >60 years.
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