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                                                                       Chapter 5: Disorders of the pancreas 221

                  Sex                                           Complications
                  2M : 1F                                       The main routes of spread are local causing obstruc-
                                                                tive jaundice or invasion of the duodenum, lymphatic to
                  Geography                                     adjacent lymph nodes which drain into the coeliac and
                  In many Western countries it is the fourth commonest  superior mesenteric lymph nodes and haematogenous
                  cause of cancer death in males and in females, the sixth.  mainly to the liver. Seventy-five per cent of patients have
                                                                metastases at the time of presentation.

                  There appears to be some familial clustering and hence  Investigations
                  it is suggested that genetic susceptibility may play an  There are no useful tumour markers or pancreatic func-
                  important role. Specific inherited risks include famil-  tion tests for diagnosis, which must be histological.
                  ial pancreatitis and familial cancer syndromes such as     Ultrasound scan shows a dilated biliary tree, excludes
                  Peutz–Jegher syndrome and Von Hippel Lindau syn-  gallstones and may show the mass lesion in the pan-
                  drome. Smoking is the only environmental factor firmly  creasormetastasesintheliver.Endoscopicultrasound
                  associatedalthoughhigh-fatdietsandexposuretochem-  is increasingly used.
                  ical carcinogens are thought to be contributory.     CT scanning has sensitivity of greater than 95% for
                                                                 the detection of pancreatic tumours.
                  The majority of carcinomas of the pancreas are ductal  biopsy under ultasound or CT guidance can be carried
                  adenocarcinomas.Acinarcellcarcinomas,cystadenocar-  out.
                  cinomasandsarcomasareallrare.Mosttumoursdevelop     ERCPallowsassessmentofbothpancreaticandbiliary
                  intheheadofthepancreasandthesetendtopresentearly  ducts and may also be used for intervention. Biopsies
                  with obstructive jaundice.                     along with aspiration of pancreatic juice and bile can
                                                                 be sampled for cytology.

                  Clinical features
                  Pancreatic cancer is associated with several clinical syn-  Management
                  dromes:                                       Surgical resection offers the only chance of cure, but only
                    One third of patients present with painless obstructive
                                                                about 10–15% of patients are suitable for radical surgery
                    jaundice, i.e. dark urine and pale stool, with palpable  depending on tumour size, invasion of blood vessels and
                    dilatation of the gallbladder (Courvoisier’s sign).  the presence of ascites or metastases.
                    Weight loss, anorexia are common. Chronic epigastric
                                                                   Whipple’s procedure is a radical pancreaticoduo-
                    pain radiating to the back similar to chronic pancre-  denectomy with block resection of the head of pan-
                    atitis develops in most patients at some stage.  creas, distal half of the stomach, duodenum, gallblad-
                    Migratory thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombo-
                                                                 der and common bile duct. Reconstruction involves
                    sis of the legs (Trousseau’s syndrome).      anastomoses of the jejunum and the pancreatic rem-
                    Pancreatic insufficiency: One third of patients have
                                                                 nant, the common hepatic duct and gastric remnant
                    impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus. Steat-  are anastomosed to the jejunum. There is significant
                    orrhoea is common and failure to absorb the fat-  perioperative morbidity and mortality.
                    soluble vitamin K may cause coagulopathy.      Palliativetreatmentaimsaretorelievejaundice,pruri-
                                                                 tus, pain and duodenal obstruction. Stents of the bile
                                                                 duct and/or duodenum tend to become blocked and
                                                                 have to be replaced.
                  The tumour is hard yellow-white in appearance. 60% of
                  tumours arise in the head of the pancreas, 10% in the
                  body, 10% in the tail and 20% diffusely involve the whole  Prognosis
                  pancreas. Most tumours are moderately differentiated  The prognosis is extremely poor with an overall 5-year
                  adenocarcinoma with a prominent fibrous stroma.  survival of <5% (most in the first 6 months). The 5-year
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