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                   278 Chapter 6: Genitourinary system

                     Chronic cystitis, bladder stones and schistosomiasis  be considered to be due to bladder cancer, until proven

                     through chronic inflammation and squamous meta-  otherwise.
                     plasia predispose to squamous cell carcinoma.
                   Genetic:                                     Macroscopy
                     Through polymorphisms of various cytochrome P450  Low-grade tumours have a papillary structure and look

                     enzymes, some individuals appear to oxidise ary-  like seaweed. T2 is coral-like. Higher grade tumours
                     lamines more rapidly, which makes them more prone  appear more solid, ulcerating lesions. TNM staging is
                     to malignancy, as this is the first step towards activa-  used which requires cystoscopy and examination under
                     tion of these carcinogens.                 anaesthesia (EUA):
                     Acetylator status also affects predisposition. Slow  Ta  Papillae projecting into the bladder lumen.

                     acetylators de-activate carcinogens more slowly, in-  Tis  Transitional cell carcinoma in situ: intraepithelial
                     creasing the risk of cancer.                    tumour with a flat, red appearance.
                     Half of Caucasians inherit the complete lack of the  T1  Started invading bladder wall: in mucosa or

                     Glutathione S transferase M1 allele. This enzyme  submucosa (not palpable at EUA).
                     detoxifies carcinogens and these individuals have al-  T2  Superficial muscle involved (rubbery thickening
                     most twice the risk of bladder cancer compared to  on EUA).
                     those with one or two copies of the GSTM1 allele.  T3  Deep muscle involved, through bladder wall
                   Radiotherapy, for example for pelvic tumours, pre-  (mobile mass).
                   disposes to later development of bladder cancer. Cy-  T4  Invading adjacent structures (fixed mass).
                   It generally appears within a decade of treatment and is  Microscopy
                   dose-related, but the risk is reduced by the concomitant  Transitional cell carcinomas are graded from I to IV or
                   use of Mesna.                                G1 to G3, according to the cellular and nuclear pleomor-
                                                                phism and mitoses.
                   Pathophysiology                              G1   Well-differentiated.
                   It is thought that in most cases, the bladder and ureters  G2  Moderately well differentiated.
                   become exposed to carcinogenic agents which are ex-  G3  Poorly differentiated/anaplastic.
                   creted in high concentrations in the urine. This may ex-
                   plain why, in many cases, there is a ‘field change’ to the  Complications
                   whole of the urothelium from renal pelvis to urethra, so  Tumours of stage >T3 metastasise, but this is uncom-
                   that multiple and recurrent tumours occur. However, an  mon.Thereisspreadtolymphnodesandvascularspread
                   individual’stumourshavealsobeenshowninmanycases  to liver and bone.
                   to be monoclonal, so that local spread may also be partly
                   the cause. Adenocarcinoma arises from the urachal rem-  Investigations
                   nants in the dome of the bladder.            Cystoscopy is the main investigation, although all pa-
                                                                tients should also have a renal US or CT to exclude renal
                   Clinical features                            tumour or obstruction. IVU is useful at showing any
                   The most common presenting feature is painless frank  filling defects in the ureters, as well as the bladder. If
                   haematuria. Other symptoms include pain and symp-  IVU is not possible (e.g. due to renal impairment), then
                   tomssuchasincreasedurinaryfrequency,dysuriaand/or  ureteroscopy and/or retrograde contrast studies should
                   urgency. Whilst all these symptoms are most commonly  be performed from the bladder upwards.
                   caused by other conditions such as urinary tract infec-
                   tion, if they persist, bladder carcinoma should be sus-  Management
                   pected. Pain may be felt in the loin when there is ob-  Depends on stage:
                   struction, or suprapubically if there is invasion through  i TisorTa, and T1 are initially treated by cysto-
                   the bladder wall. Haematuria over the age of 40 should  scopic transurethral resection of the bladder tumour
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