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                   280 Chapter 6: Genitourinary system

                    Table 6.16 TNM staging                        more sensitive than transurethral route. The tumour
                                                                  may be hyper, iso- or hypo-echogenic.
                    T1   Impalpable    24%   N0–N3 Regional
                                                                    Raised serum PSA: >4 ng/mL is abnormal. Benign
                                             node status
                    T2   Organ confined  13%  M0–M1 Metastases     prostatic hypertrophy, inflammation or biopsy of the
                    T3   Through capsule  52%                     prostate may also cause a raised PSA.
                    T4   Locally invasive  11%                      CT abdomen and pelvis to look for local invasion and
                                                                  lymph node involvement, and a bone scan to look for
                     Occasionally, it may present with haematospermia,
                                                                  bony metastases.
                     especially in older men, or as metastatic disease with     Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is usually raised
                     an occult primary.                           when there are bony metastases.

                   Macroscopy                                   Management
                                                                This depends on the tumour staging, grade and also on
                   The tumours usually are in the peripheral zone of the
                                                                the patient’s age and co-morbidity, as many of the treat-
                   prostate and appear as hard yellow-white gritty tissue
                                                                ments have significant side effects.
                   (see Table 6.16).
                                                                Organ-confined, low-grade disease:
                                                                  These tumours tend to grow slowly, in older patients

                                                                  (>70 years) and those likely to die of co-morbidity be-
                   Most are well differentiated and consist of small acini
                                                                  fore the cancer causes significant symptoms or metas-
                   in a glandular pattern. Immunohistochemical tech-
                                                                  tasises, it may be reasonable to ‘watch and wait’.
                   niques have also been developed, which can help identify
                                                                    Younger patients should have radical treatment with
                   whether cells are malignant and if they are of prostatic
                                                                  the intent to cure: radical prostatectomy and/or radio-
                   origin (e.g. if found in bone or lymph node biopsies).
                                                                  therapy to the prostate and local nodes. However, rad-
                     Gleason score: The biopsy material is examined under
                                                                  icalsurgery is amajoroperation, witha60% incidence
                   a microscope and a Gleason grade 1–5 (grade 1 being
                                                                  of impotence (compared to 16% preoperatively) and
                   most differentiated, grade 5 the least) is assigned to the
                   two most commonly occurring patterns of cells. These
                                                                  also cause complications such as acute and chronic ra-
                   two grades are then added together to give the Gleason
                                                                  diation proctitis (diarrhoea, urgency, bleeding), and
                   score (2–10). A combined Gleason score of 2 + 3 = 5,
                                                                  impotence in 40–50%.
                   means that there is predominantly grade 2 and 3 disease
                                                                Locally advanced (T3 or T4) disease:
                   present in the biopsy.
                                                                    Forlocal symptom control TURP, radical prostate-
                     2, 3,4–Well differentiated, low grade.

                                                                  ctomy or radiotherapy (external or brachytherapy)
                     5, 6,7–Moderately differentiated.

                                                                  may be used, but recurrence and spread will almost
                     8, 9, 10 – Poorly differentiated, high grade.

                                                                  certainly occur, so hormone therapy (see below) is
                                                                  generally advised with or without surgery.
                   Complications                                Metastatic or high grade local disease:
                   Urinary tract infection and renal tract obstruction may     Treatment is for symptoms only (palliative). The aim
                   occur, which can lead to renal failure.        is to deplete the cancer of circulating androgens:
                     Spread may be local or distant:              i Bilateral orchidectomy is often declined by patients
                     Local spread is usually outward through the capsule.  duetopsychologicalreasonsandtherearenowother

                     Lymphatic spread to pelvic and para-aortic nodes.  medical alternatives.

                     Vascular spread, mainly to bone (classically sclerotic  ii LHRH agonists are given parenterally and are

                     lesions), lung and liver.                     equally effective as orchidectomy, the second choice
                                                                   is the use of oral anti-androgens, e.g. cyproterone,
                   Investigations                                  flutamide, or the two classes may be combined.
                     TRUS (Transrectal ultrasound) and biopsy: Needle  iii Oestrogen therapy is less popular now, due to the

                     biopsy of the outer prostate by transrectal route is  excess risk of cardiovascular deaths.
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