Page 355 - Medicine and Surgery
P. 355

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                                                                   Chapter 7: Tumours of the nervous system 351

                  Investigations                                 tissue. The cells have round nuclei and pale vacuo-
                    Neuroimaging with CT or MRI – the latter is more  lated cytoplasm (fried egg appearance).

                    sensitive and provides greater anatomical detail. As-     Glioblastoma muliforme tumours may be necrotic,
                    trocytomas are usually highly vascular and enhance  haemorrhagic masses due to rapid growth. They are
                    with contrast in over two-thirds of cases (less often  composed of pleomorphic cells.
                    in low-grade astrocytoma). Surrounding oedema is
                    commonly seen, but due to the diffuse infiltration,  Management
                                                                   It is still unclear whether early complete surgical re-
                    the limits of oedema often demarcate the limits of
                                                                 moval of low-grade tumours that cause little or tran-
                    the tumour spread. For this reason, prior use of cor-
                                                                 sient neurology improves the prognosis; although
                    ticosteroids can reduce the appearance of the size of
                                                                 surgery is helpful for reducing the need for treatment
                    the tumour. Oligodendromas commonly calcify. CT
                                                                 of seizures, it has the disadvantage of often causing
                    is less useful then MRI.
                                                                 major neurological deficit.
                    Biopsy – stereotactic biopsy (linking information for

                                                                   For astrocytomas, complete surgical removal is diffi-
                    CT and MRI to guide surgery via surface landmarks
                                                                 cult due to the diffuse nature and difficulty in deter-
                    or a frame to achieve accuracy to within 1 mm) is used
                                                                 mining the limits of the tumour. For high-grade as-
                                                                 trocytomas, in many cases the tumour is unresectable.
                                                                 Even if the tumour is resectable, the high risk of recur-
                                                                 rence, together with the major morbidity of surgery
                                                                 may mean debulking surgery only and treatment with
                    Astrocytomas are ill-defined pale areas which are not

                                                                 radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.
                    clearly demarcated from the adjacent brain. The cells
                                                                 Hydrocephalus can be treated with a shunt. Seizures
                    look like astrocytes and there are different histological  are treated with anti-epileptic drugs.
                    Oligodendrogliomas are macroscopically similar to  Prognosis

                    astrocytomas, arising as greyish white lesions that  Low-grade tumours grow slowly over many years while
                    are not clearly differentiated from the surrounding  glioblastoma multiforme causes death within months.
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