Page 356 - Medicine and Surgery
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                     Musculoskeletal system                                                         8

                    Clinical, 352                Seronegative arthritides     Genetic musculoskeletal disorders,
                    Bone and joint infections, 354  (spondyloarthropathies), 362  375
                    Osteoarthritis, 357          Connective tissue disorders, 365  Bone tumours, 376
                    Seropositive arthritis, 359  Crystal arthropathies, 371   Vasculitis, 377
                                                 Metabolic bone disorders, 373

                    Clinical                                    Joint swelling
                                                                Swelling may be within the joint, the bone or the sur-
                   Symptoms                                     rounding soft tissue. Joint swelling following an injury
                                                                may be acute due to a haemarthrosis or appear more
                   Joint pain                                   slowly due to an effusion.
                                                                  Arthritis describes painful swollen joints. Again this
                   Joint disorders often have pain as their presenting fea-  may be a mono, oligo/pauci or polyarthritis. The distri-
                   ture. Joint pain is described as arthralgia if there is no ac-  bution of joint involvement should be elicited including
                   companying swelling or as arthritis if the joint is swollen.  whether it is distal or proximal, symmetrical or asym-
                   The pattern of joint involvement, its symmetry, onset,  metrical. The nature of the onset, duration, timing and
                   timing and provoking and relieving factors are impor-  exacerbating factors should be noted. Any other associ-
                   tant in establishing the diagnosis. Arthritis may involve a  ated features such as joint instability should be enquired
                   single joint (monoarticular), less than four joints (oligo  about. This may be due to ligament damage.
                   or pauciarticular) or mutiple joints (polyarticular). The
                   relationship to exercise may be important, as inflamma-
                   tory disorders are often worse after periods of inactivity  Joint stiffness
                   and relieved by rest, whereas mechanical disorders tend
                                                                Joint stiffness is another presentation usually associated
                   to be worse on exercise and relieved by rest. Joint pain
                                                                with the other cardinal features of pain and swelling.
                   tends to radiate distally and may be associated with lo-
                                                                Morning stiffness and stiffness after periods of inactivity
                   cal tenderness. A full systems enquiry is necessary as
                                                                are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis but may oc-
                   many disorders have multisystem involvement. Changes
                                                                cur with other forms of arthritis. Less than 10 minutes
                   in sensation including tingling or numbness are often
                                                                of stiffness is common in osteoarthritis compared with
                   due to abnormalities in nerve function. This may be due
                                                                more than 30 minutes in inflammatory arthritis. Sacroil-
                   to pressure, ischaemia or neuropathies. Establishment of
                   the distribution helps to differentiate peripheral nerve
                                                                tis. Locking of a joint is a sudden inability to complete
                   damage from nerve root damage. Loss of function is im-
                                                                amovement, such as extension at the knee caused by a
                   portant as therapy aims to both relieve pain and establish
                                                                mechanical block such as a foreign body in the joint or
                   necessary function for daily activities.
                                                                atorn meniscus.
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