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                                                                      Chapter 8: Connective tissue disorders 367

                  Management                                    Clinical features
                    Most patients with mild disease are treated conserva-  Thrombosis: Venous thromboses are more common

                    tively.                                      than arterial thromboses. These occur mainly in the
                    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are first-line  deepveinsofthecalf.Othersitesincluderenal,hepatic,

                    treatment for articular disease.             subclavianandretinalveins.Arterialthrombosisinthe
                    Antimalarials are used for systemic symptoms, refrac-  cerebral vessels, coronary, renal and mesenteric arter-

                    tory arthritis and skin disease.             ies thromboses may also occur. Clinically patients may
                      Hydroxychloroquine for skin and joint problems.  present with strokes, migraine, pulmonary embolism
                      Mepacrinecausesyellowpigmentationbutisuseful.  and infarction, thrombocytopenia, variable degrees of
                      Sixmonthly eye-checks are recommended.     renal failure and amaurosis fugax.
                    Corticosteroids:                             Pregnancy: Some women suffer recurrent miscarriage

                      Highdoseforwidespreadvasculitis,acutenephritis,  especially during the late second and third trimester.
                      severe CNS vasculitis.                       Non-thrombotic neurological manifestations include
                      Moderate dose for pleural effusions or moderate  epilepsy, transverse myelitis, Guillain–Barr´ e syn-
                      thrombocytopenia.                          drome and chorea.
                    Immunosuppressive agents:                    Cutaneous manifestations include livedo reticularis

                      Azathioprine is used as a steroid-sparing agent.  (a purplish mottled discolouration of the skin).
                      Cyclophosphamide is more toxic but may be used in
                      severe diffuse proliferative nephritis or severe neu-
                      ropsychiatric lupus.
                                                                Diagnosed by presence of anticardiolipin antibodies.

                  Generally a good prognosis, chronic forms of the disease
                                                                Anticoagulation with aspirin for mild cases and war-
                  are seen. Patients with renal or neuropsychiatric involve-
                                                                farin in more severe cases reduces the risk of throm-
                  ment have a worse prognosis.
                                                                bosis. During the first and third trimester of pregnancy
                                                                low-molecular-weight heparin is used due to the terato-
                  Antiphospholipid syndrome                     genicity of warfarin and risks of bleeding in labour.

                  A disorder characterised by the presence of autoantibod-  Systemic sclerosis and scleroderma
                  ies directed against phospholipids or plasma proteins
                  bound to phospholipids.                       Definition
                                                                Sclerosis (hardening due to excessive production of con-
                                                                nective tissue) of collagen affecting the skin (sclero-
                  Aetiology/pathophysiology                     derma) and the internal organs (systemic sclerosis).
                  Antiphospholipid syndrome may be primary/idiopathic
                  or may occur secondary to SLE or other autoim-
                  mune disorders. The condition causes a thrombotic ten-  Incidence
                  dency due to loss of phospholipid dependent coagula-  Rare, 3 per million.
                  tion co-factors. Pro-thrombotic stimuli such as preg-
                  nancy, surgery, cigarette smoking, hypertension and
                  the use of oral contraceptives further exacerbate this
                                                                Anyage, mean onset at 40 years.
                  tendency. Antibodies include the lupus anti-coagulant
                  (anti-coagulant in vitro but procoagulant in vivo),
                  anti β2glycoprotein-I antibodies and anticardiolipin  Sex
                  antibodies.                                   9F : 1M
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