Page 374 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   370 Chapter 8: Musculoskeletal system

                     may be oral ulcers, dental caries and firm non-tender  age of 40 years. The inflammation within muscle causes
                     enlargement of the parotid gland.          necrosis and patchy regeneration with fibrosis and atro-
                     Other manifestations include arthralgia, Raynaud’s  phy in later stages. The skin shows collagenous thicken-

                     phenomenon and an association with other organ  ing of the dermis with chronic inflammatory cell infil-
                     specific autoimmune disorders in primary Sj¨ ogren’s  trates.
                     syndrome, e.g. thyroid disease. Occasionally there are
                     systemic features including vasculitis and renal tubu-  Clinical features
                     lar defects.                               Gradual onset of non-specific systemic features followed
                                                                by symmetrical, progressive, proximal muscle weakness.
                   Investigations                               In more chronic presentations there is muscle atrophy,
                     Anaemia of chronic disease, leucopenia and high ESR  contractures and calcinosis. Skin manifestations include

                     Rheumatoidfactor(RhF)ispositivein80–100%,ANA  a purple rash on the eyelids often with oedema (he-

                     positive in 60–80%, anti-Ro (SSa) antibodies are seen  liotrope rash) and scaly vasculitic patches on the knuck-
                     in primary Sj¨ ogren’s syndrome and may cause neona-  les(Gottron’spapules).Theremaybeskinulcerationand
                     tal heart block in offspring of affected women.  Raynaud’s phenomenon. Occasionally there is cardiac
                     Schirmer’s test for keratoconjunctivitis sicca measures  involvement leading to heart failure, respiratory involve-

                     tear production. An edge of a strip of filter paper is  ment, including nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, and
                     placed in the lower eyelid and the length that becomes  oesophageal involvement, which may be sufficiently se-
                     wetis measured.                            vere so as to require gastrostomy feeding.

                   Management                                   Investigations
                   Artificial tears and saliva replacement solutions provide     Inflammatory markers: The ESR is raised.
                   symptomatic relief.                              Autoantibodies: Anti-histidyl-tRNA synthetase (anti-
                                                                  Jo1) are seen in 30%, and rheumatoid factor is positive
                   Polymyositis and dermatomyositis               in 30%.
                                                                    CK-MB fraction and troponin I can be used to assess
                   Definition                                      cardiac involvement.
                   Myositis is an inflammatory disorder of striated muscle.     Raised muscle enzymes such as creatine kinase (prior
                   When associated with skin manifestations it is termed  to biopsy).
                   dermatomyositis.                                 EMG:Spontaneousfibrillationsatrest,abnormallow-
                                                                  amplitude, short-duration polyphasic motor poten-
                   Prevalence                                     tialsonvoluntarycontractionandhigh-frequencydis-
                   1per 100,000 population.                       charges.
                                                                  Muscle biopsy is definitive.

                   Age                                              MRI of thighs is routinely performed.
                   Any, peaks 40–50 years.
                   Sex                                          Acute phases are treated with corticosteroids, which
                   2F: 1M                                       should be reduced gradually to a low-maintenance dose.
                                                                Methotrexate, azathioprine or cyclophosphamide are
                   Aetiology/pathophysiology                    used in resistant cases.
                   Lymphocytic infiltration, autoantibody production and
                   HLA-DR3 association suggests an immune-mediated  Prognosis
                   pathogenesis. There may be environmental trigger  The condition may last several years. The disease is
                   factors. Dermatomyositis is associated with malignancy  of variable severity, and spontaneous remissions can
                   (e.g. lung, stomach carcinoma) predominantly over the  occur.
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