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                                                                           Chapter 8: Crystal arthropathies 371

                  Marfan’s syndrome                             Management
                                                                 β-blockers have been shown to slow aortic dilata-

                                                                 tion, and lifelong therapy is recommended by the
                  Inherited condition resulting in abnormalities of con-
                                                                 European Society of Cardiology.
                  nective tissue causing anomalies in the musculoskeletal,     At least annual echocardiograms are required with
                  cardiovascular and ocular systems.
                                                                 consideration of prophylactic aortic root replacement
                                                                 prior to the development of critical dilatation.
                  Incidence                                        Dislocatedlensesarenotremovedunlessconventional
                  1in 15,000.                                    visual correcting aids are ineffective.
                                                                 Orthopaedic intervention may be required.

                                                                 Genetic counselling should be offered where appro-

                  Aetiology/pathophysiology                      priate.
                  Inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Mutations
                  occur in the FBN1 gene that codes for the extracellular
                  matrix glycoprotein fibrillin and is on the long arm of  Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
                  chromosome 15. FBN1 mutations also occur in milder
                  phenotypes with features overlapping Marfan’s pheno-
                                                                An inherited group of conditions resulting from a weak-
                  type.Twenty-five per cent of cases represent new muta-
                                                                ness in collagen.
                  Clinical features                             At least 10 variants of this condition have been described
                  The phenotype is variable and unrelated to the FBN1  inherited in a variety of fashions (autosomal dominant,
                  mutation.                                     autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive). The under-
                    Musculokeletal: Patients have elongated and asym-  lyingpathologyisanabnormalityinskin,jointandblood

                    metrical faces with a high arched palate. There is a  vessel collagen resulting in tissue weakness. Some of the
                    reduced upper to lower body segment ratio and an  subtypes have been mapped to mutations in the collagen
                    arm span that exceeds the patient’s height. Long thin  genes.
                    common along with pectus excavatum (funnel chest).
                                                                Clinical features
                    Cardiovascular system: There is degeneration of the

                                                                There is hyperextensible skin with normal elastic recoil,
                    media of blood vessel walls:
                                                                hypermobile joints, and fragility of blood vessels causing
                    1 Dilation of the aortic valve ring producing regurgi-
                                                                bruising and occasionally aortic dissection and rupture.
                                                                Hypermobility can lead to early osteoarthritic changes
                    2 Mitral valve prolapse and associated mitral valve
                                                                and damage to the joints. Genetic counselling should be
                                                                offered where appropriate.
                    3 Aneurysm formation may occur, usually in the as-
                      cending aorta, which may be followed by dissection
                      and/or rupture.                            Crystal arthropathies
                    Ocular: Weakness of the suspensory ligament of the

                    lens may cause an upward lens dislocation (ectopia
                                                                Crystal-induced arthropathy may result in various dis-
                                                                ease patterns:
                                                                 Monosodium urate crystals cause acute gout and

                  Investigations                                 chronic tophaceous gout.
                  The diagnosis is clinical and can be based on clinical cri-     Calcium pyrophosphate causes pseudogout.
                  teriascoring. Once diagnosed patients require periodic     Crystallised injected corticosteroids may result in ia-
                  aortic imaging to detect early dilation.       trogenic acute synovitis.
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