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                   372 Chapter 8: Musculoskeletal system

                     Calcium hydroxyapatite crystals are involved in the

                                                                            Guanine       Adenine
                     pathogenesis of osteoarthritis.
                   The crystals deposited in the joint are phagocytosed by
                   neutrophils. Typically pyrosphosphate crystals are seen  Xanthine    Hypoxanthine
                   within a phagolysosomal sac, whereas urate crystals are
                                                                                  Xanthine  Oxidase
                   not confined. Phagolysosomal lysis results in the release
                   of enzymes into the cell cytoplasm. Phagocytosis induces  Uric Acid
                   cytokine release leading to chemotaxis and further in-
                   flammation.                                   Figure 8.5 Uric acid formation.

                   Gout                                             Decreased renal excretion may be idiopathic or sec-
                                                                  ondary to renal failure or drugs such as thiazides or
                   Definition                                      low-dose aspirin.
                   An acute inflammatory arthritis resulting from urate  Anacuteepisodeofgoutmaybeprecipitatedbyasudden
                   crystal deposition secondary to hyperuricaemia.  increase or decrease in urate concentration. Risk factors
                                                                include surgery, infection, dehydration, severe illness,
                   Prevalence/incidence                         starvation, diuretics and alcohol.

                   Age                                            tals have been phagocytosed. The crystals cause dis-
                   Peak incidence at the age of 40–50 years.      ruption of lysosomal membranes and hence release of
                                                                  inflammatory mediators.
                   Sex                                              If chronic, the crystals accumulate in the synovium
                   10M:1F                                         and sites such as the ear cartilage forming lumps
                                                                  termed tophi.
                   Geography                                        In the kidney, urate crystals may precipitate in the
                   Mainly a disease of developed countries.       collectingductsorcausestoneformation.Theresultof
                                                                  urate damage is either tubulointerstitial disease (urate
                                                                  nephropathy) or acute tubular necrosis.
                   High levels of uric acid cause gout but not all individuals
                   with hyperuricaemia will develop gout. Hyperuricaemia  Clinical features
                   is associated with increasing age, male sex and obesity,  In 70–90% the initial attack of gout affects the big toe. It
                   and in females urate levels rise after the menopause.  is known as podagra if it first affects the metatarsopha-
                   Uric acid is formed from the breakdown of purines (see  langeal joint. The joint is red, hot, swollen and very ten-
                   Fig. 8.5). Hyperuricaemia may occur due to increased  der. There may be an associated fever. These features
                   ratesofuricacid production or decreased uric acid  make it difficult to distinguish from a septic arthritis.
                   excretion.                                   Other joints affected include ankles, knees, fingers, el-
                     Increased uric acid production may be idiopathic or  bowsandwrists.Chronicgoutisunusualbutmaycausea

                     secondary to excessive intake or high turnover as seen  chronic polyarthritis with destructive joint damage with
                     in malignancy (especially with chemotherapy).  large erosions on X-ray and deformity. Tophi (smooth
                     Decreased salvage of purines may occur; in Lesch–  whiteskinandjointdeposits)occuratcartilagenoussites

                     Nyhan syndrome a defect in HGPRT results in im-  particularly in the Achilles tendon and the helix of the
                     paired salvage and hence high uric acid levels.  ear. This usually reflects severe untreated gout.
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